Russia-Taliban relations

Russian Roulette in Taliban-Held Afghanistan
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Frequent vacillations from hope to pessimism continue to characterize Russian policy toward Afghanistan.

The Strategic Logic of Russia’s Embrace of the Taliban
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
The Afghanistan issue gives Moscow another reason to remain closely engaged in the security affairs of Central Asia.

The Islamic State vs. Russia in Afghanistan
By Lucas Webber
The Islamic State movement -- including its Afghanistan iteration -- is vehemently anti-Russia in orientation, criticizing its foreign and domestic policies.

Russia Hosts Afghan Talks, Calls for Inclusive Government
By Vladimir Isachenkov
Russia had worked for years to establish contacts with the Taliban, even though it designated the group a terror organization in 2003.

Russia Fearmongering About Afghan Refugees
By Catherine Putz
Putin is warning of “militants under the guise of refugees” in an effort to dissuade Central Asian states from cooperating with U.S. evacuation efforts.

Can the US Isolate the Taliban?
By Catherine Putz
The answer is less clear now, in 2021, than it was in 1996.

Can the Taliban Play China and Russia Off the United States?
By Catherine Putz
The consensus is that negotiation is the only way out of the conflict for Afghanistan, but that only holds true if the international community is united. It’s not.

Taliban Visit Moscow, Voice Hope US Will Honor Peace Deal
By Associated Press
Sher Mohammed Abbas Stanikzai, who led the Taliban delegation to Moscow, insisted that the Taliban have been abiding by the deal.

The Taliban’s Diplomatic Reemergence
By Daud Khattak
Over the past few years, Moscow, Tehran and Beijing have warmed to the Taliban. What explains their change of heart?

Taliban: From Pariah to Diplomatic Reception
By Daud Khattak
From Moscow to Beijing, Tehran to Islamabad, Taliban delegations have found welcome in diplomatic halls.

As US-Taliban Peace Process Collapses, an Opportunity for Russia?
By Samuel Ramani
An expansion of Russia’s diplomatic involvement could help non-Western powers expand their say over Afghanistan’s political future.

Russia’s Falling Out With Kabul
By Samuel Ramani
Russia's embrace of the Taliban is increasingly coming at the expense of Afghan President Ghani's government.
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