Shinzo Abe in Russia

Abe's Russia Trip Comes to an Underwhelming End
By Daniel Hurst
Japan's prime minister may finally have to give up hope of making progress on a long-standing territorial dispute.

How the Kuril Islands Are Testing Shinzo Abe's Statesmanship
By Sergey Radchenko
The recent Russia-Japan summit could be best described as embarrassment for Abe and a major coup for Putin.

Russia-Japan Summit: No Grand Bargain Within Reach
By Jeremy Maxie
A mutually beneficial 'balance of power' based on territorial and security arrangements remains beyond reach.

Mr. Abe Goes to Vladivostok
By James D.J Brown and Andrei I. Kozinets
Abe's embrace of Russia marks a radical shift from previous Japanese policy.

Shinzo Abe Going All In on Improving Japan-Russia Ties
By Dmitry Filippov
Abe is committing a lot of diplomatic (and literal) capital to Japan-Russia relations. What will he get in return?
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