
South Asia

Eastward Shifts: The SCO’s Quest to Redefine Regional Power Amid Global Multipolarity

Eastward Shifts: The SCO’s Quest to Redefine Regional Power Amid Global Multipolarity

By Maha Ali
There is a growing tension between Pakistan's internal political fractures and the external desire for regional stability.

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
MIRV is a complex technology, and India’s test this week puts it among a small group of countries that have managed to develop it.
An Invisible Killer Hangs in the Air of Asia’s Cities

An Invisible Killer Hangs in the Air of Asia’s Cities

By Karn Vohra
Air pollution deaths increase by 150,000 in rapidly growing South and Southeast Asian cities.

The Colonial Legacies of Authoritar­ianism in South Asia

The Colonial Legacies of Authoritar­ianism in South Asia

By Ayesha Jalal
India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh all inherited over-centralized state monoliths with unitary ideologies of sovereignty from the British Raj.

An Era of Extremes in South Asia: A Crisis of Health, Development, and Policy Planning

An Era of Extremes in South Asia: A Crisis of Health, Development, and Policy Planning

By Ishani Palandurkar
South Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate extremes, which bring serious health complications.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Asia’s Nuclear Dilemma in the Age of the Intelligent Bomb

South Asia’s Nuclear Dilemma in the Age of the Intelligent Bomb

By Trisha Ray
Whatever the intent behind a certain technology in nuclear systems is, it is the perception of that capability that will drive the response of other states.

SAARC Is Dead. Long Live Subregional Cooperation

SAARC Is Dead. Long Live Subregional Cooperation

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
India-Pakistan rivalry and India’s isolation of Pakistan contributed to the death of the South Asian regional organization. But India is keen on working with its other neighbors.
Beware the Himalayan Heat: China, India, and Pakistan on the Brink

Beware the Himalayan Heat: China, India, and Pakistan on the Brink

By Daniel Markey, Andrew Scobell, Vikram Singh
Even as war in Europe grinds on, Washington should not lose sight of the frightening implications of recent developments in South Asia.

India’s Marathon Diplomacy With Iran

India’s Marathon Diplomacy With Iran

By Amalendu Misra
Why is India cozying up to Iran?

South Asia’s Cultural Climate Is at Risk. What Can the US Do?

South Asia’s Cultural Climate Is at Risk. What Can the US Do?

By Knox Thames
Encouraging South Asian nations to protect their historic multiculturalism will help reduce human rights violations, protect religious and ethnic minorities, and promote peace and stability.

Is the Term ‘South Asia’ Correct?

Is the Term ‘South Asia’ Correct?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
When should we use the word “India,” and when should we use “South Asia”?
South Asia and the Coming Biden Presidency

South Asia and the Coming Biden Presidency

By Ankit Panda
What should South Asian states expect from the United States under Joe Biden?

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