
Taiwan military

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Taiwan Will Fight ‘to the Very Last Day’ If China Attacks

Taiwan Will Fight ‘to the Very Last Day’ If China Attacks

By Associated Press
Amid growing worries that China is preparing for military action, Taiwan’s foreign minister affirms Taiwanese “are willing to defend ourselves.”
Is China Preparing to Set Up an ADIZ in the South China Sea With Taiwan in Mind?

Is China Preparing to Set Up an ADIZ in the South China Sea With Taiwan in Mind?

By Lu Li-shih
Types of aircraft intruding in Taiwan’s Southwest Air Defense Identification Zone reveal PLA intent.

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

By Bonnie Girard
The sale of new missile systems stretches the concept of “defensive” weaponry to its limit.

Taiwan Debates Military Preparedness Measures as Chinese Threats Escalate

Taiwan Debates Military Preparedness Measures as Chinese Threats Escalate

By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan is considering an increase in reservist call-ups as the U.S. mulls abandoning its longtime policy of “strategic ambiguity.”

Taiwan’s Top Military Officer, Other Senior Officers Die in Helicopter Crash

Taiwan’s Top Military Officer, Other Senior Officers Die in Helicopter Crash

By Associated Press
Eight military officers overall died in the air force copter crash on Thursday. Five others survived.
Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

By Vanessa Molter
Faced with high military personnel cost and unfavorable demographics, Taiwan will have to make uncomfortable policy choices.

Estimating Taiwanese Military Power

Estimating Taiwanese Military Power

By Ian Easton
How well would Taiwan be able to defend itself against a Chinese attack?
Bolstering Taiwan's Last Line of Defense

Bolstering Taiwan's Last Line of Defense

By Ian Easton and Dee Wu
There is a lot that Washington can do to boost Taipei's security in the face of the threat posed by Beijing.

Taiwan's Cold War Fortresses

Taiwan's Cold War Fortresses

By Guy Plopsky
Fortifications on Matsu Island were meant to defend against a communist invasion.

Taiwan's Military Conscription Dilemma

Taiwan's Military Conscription Dilemma

By Shang-su Wu
Taiwan’s temporary extension of conscription shows that the new administration is also struggling with the issue.

Evaluating Taiwan’s National Power

Evaluating Taiwan’s National Power

By David Gitter and Robert Sutter
Despite a persistent security threat from China, the island’s greatest problem is domestic political wrangling.
Saving Taiwan's Marine Corps

Saving Taiwan's Marine Corps

By Grant Newsham and Kerry Gershaneck
Taiwan’s amphibious capabilities are becoming dangerously weak.

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