
Terrorism in South Asia

Why Did the Islamic State Target Sri Lanka?

Why Did the Islamic State Target Sri Lanka?

By Vishal Arora
Was the attack on Sri Lanka an example of the Islamic State's opportunism?

From the Ruins of the Caliphate: Sri Lanka’s Bloody Easter

From the Ruins of the Caliphate: Sri Lanka’s Bloody Easter

By Siddharthya Roy and Stephanie Rose Justin
Don't let the Islamic State connection overshadow the local factors that fed into the attack.
The Easter Bombings in Sri Lanka Foreshadow a Regional Challenge

The Easter Bombings in Sri Lanka Foreshadow a Regional Challenge

By Harsh V. Pant
The shocking Easter Day terror attacks in Sri Lanka underscore a regional problem.

Are India-Pakistan Relations Doomed?

Are India-Pakistan Relations Doomed?

By Touqir Hussain
The stubborn realities in the bilateral relationship show few signs of changing anytime soon.

How India Can Lead South Asia's War on Terror

How India Can Lead South Asia's War on Terror

By Parnal Vats
The subregion can do much more to combat the threat, and India can lead these efforts.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Afghanistan Celebrates India’s Post-Independence Achievements

Afghanistan Celebrates India’s Post-Independence Achievements

By M. Ashraf Haidari
On India's Independence Day, Afghanistan celebrates a thriving bilateral relationship.

Pakistan Needs a New Security Paradigm

Pakistan Needs a New Security Paradigm

By Touqir Hussain and Ishrat Saleem
It's time for Islamabad to think bigger.
Dhaka Hostage Crisis: Anatomy of a Terror Attack

Dhaka Hostage Crisis: Anatomy of a Terror Attack

By Rohan Joshi
The terror landscape in Bangladesh merits close scrutiny after the Gulshan hostage crisis.

Dhaka Hostage Standoff Underscores Bangladesh's Growing Terror Problem

Dhaka Hostage Standoff Underscores Bangladesh's Growing Terror Problem

By Ankit Panda
Though details remain murky, Friday's terror attack in Dhaka underscores a worrying trend.

Talks Between India and Pakistan Postponed Until the 'Near Future'

Talks Between India and Pakistan Postponed Until the 'Near Future'

By Sanjay Kumar
The much-heralded talks between New Delhi and Islamabad have stalled once again.

A Seismic Shift in India’s Pakistan Policy

A Seismic Shift in India’s Pakistan Policy

By Harsh V. Pant
New Delhi has shifted its approach toward talks with Pakistan. The implications stand to be huge.
Meet the 'Khorasan Shura': The Islamic State's Leaders for South Asia

Meet the 'Khorasan Shura': The Islamic State's Leaders for South Asia

By Ankit Panda
The Islamic State unveils a council of leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan comprised of former TTP members.

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