
Trump-Xi meeting

Bolton: Trump Moves in Office Guided by Reelection Concerns

Bolton: Trump Moves in Office Guided by Reelection Concerns

By Associated Press
A scathing new book by former Trump adviser John Bolton alleges that the president begged Xi Jinping for reelection help.
2 Meetings Reveal Trump's Different Approaches to China and North Korea

2 Meetings Reveal Trump's Different Approaches to China and North Korea

By Bonnie Girard
China’s Xi adjusts to a “new normal," while Trump and Kim Jong Un make history.

Schisms on Display as the G20 Summit Convenes

Schisms on Display as the G20 Summit Convenes

By Elaine Kurtenbach and Foster Klug
G-20 leaders clash over values amid calls to protect economic growth.

Xi Jinping’s Busy G-20 Summit

Xi Jinping’s Busy G-20 Summit

By Eleanor Albert
What to watch for when China's president heads to Japan later this week.

As US-China Prepare for Next Trade Talks, Trump-Xi Meeting Remains Uncertain

As US-China Prepare for Next Trade Talks, Trump-Xi Meeting Remains Uncertain

By Darlene Superville
The U.S. treasury secretary says there are no plans for Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping to meet -- yet.
China, US Cautiously Optimistic After Latest Trade Talks

China, US Cautiously Optimistic After Latest Trade Talks

By Darlene Superville and Paul Wiseman
Both sides noted progress that could be turned into a formal deal at a future Trump-Xi meeting.

Ahead of Xi-Trump G20 Meeting, Xi Meets Foreign Policy Guru Kissinger

Ahead of Xi-Trump G20 Meeting, Xi Meets Foreign Policy Guru Kissinger

By Charlotte Gao
Xi told Kissinger that China and the United States must have accurate judgments of each other's strategic intentions.
US-China Rapprochement Under President Trump?

US-China Rapprochement Under President Trump?

By Yun Sun
Donald Trump met Xi Jinping at last. What lies ahead for the U.S.-China relationship?

Sino-American Trade: What Comes Next

Sino-American Trade: What Comes Next

By Joe Renouard
A full-scale trade war now seems less likely than it did when Trump was elected, though it is still possible.

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
The long-run impact of the Trump administration’s policies toward the region are unclear.

Where Was Taiwan in the Trump-Xi Meeting?

Where Was Taiwan in the Trump-Xi Meeting?

By Chen-Dong Tso and Gratiana Jung
The Trump administration shows signs of backing off support for Taiwan, including the Six Assurances.
After the Summit: Where Do US-China Relations Go From Here?

After the Summit: Where Do US-China Relations Go From Here?

By Tuan N. Pham
What's Beijing’s regional strategy in 2017, how should Washington respond, and where did the Xi-Trump summit fit in?

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