
Tsai cross-strait policy

Tsai Ing-wen Must Share the Blame for the Deterioration of Cross-Strait Relations

Tsai Ing-wen Must Share the Blame for the Deterioration of Cross-Strait Relations

By Dennis V. Hickey
Back in 2011, the Obama administration caught flak for leaking its fears about then-candidate Tsai’s cross-strait policy. In retrospect, it was right to be concerned.

Taiwan Shuffles Cabinet in Signal to Biden Administration

Taiwan Shuffles Cabinet in Signal to Biden Administration

By Nick Aspinwall
The country named new heads of defense and China policy in what is being interpreted as an attempt to cool cross-strait tensions and work with the United States.
COVID-19 Brings Cross-Strait Relations to a Crossroads

COVID-19 Brings Cross-Strait Relations to a Crossroads

By Chieh-chi Hsieh
Even more than Tsai’s landslide re-election, the outbreak spells major trouble for the CCP’s unification agenda.

No, Taiwan’s President Isn’t ‘Pro-Independence’

No, Taiwan’s President Isn’t ‘Pro-Independence’

By Lev Nachman and Brian Hioe
Calling Tsai Ing-wen “pro-independence” isn’t just lazy; it’s wrong.

Treading Choppy Waters: Cross-Strait Relations in Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election

Treading Choppy Waters: Cross-Strait Relations in Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election

By Pam Kennedy
Taiwan's presidential election was heavily influenced by cross-strait relations. What comes next?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Taiwan Politicians Continue to Align Themselves With Hong Kong Protestors

Taiwan Politicians Continue to Align Themselves With Hong Kong Protestors

By Nick Aspinwall
Protestors in Hong Kong demanding the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill find a reliable ally in Taiwan.

Xi Says Taiwan ‘Must’ Unify With China as Tsai Unveils Her Own ‘Four Musts’

Xi Says Taiwan ‘Must’ Unify With China as Tsai Unveils Her Own ‘Four Musts’

By Nick Aspinwall
The leaders of China and Taiwan just presented starkly divergent paths to improving cross-strait relations.
What Does the 1992 Consensus Mean to Citizens in Taiwan?

What Does the 1992 Consensus Mean to Citizens in Taiwan?

By Austin Wang, Charles K.S. Wu, Yao-Yuan Yeh, & Fang-Yu Chen
Hint: it’s not what either Taiwan or China think it means.

One China, Two Interpretations, and the Third Alternative for Taiwan

One China, Two Interpretations, and the Third Alternative for Taiwan

By Charles I-hsin Chen
The historic 2015 meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou made a third alternative, beyond unification or separation, more likely.

What Will Taiwan's Cabinet Shake-up Mean for Cross-Strait Relations?

What Will Taiwan's Cabinet Shake-up Mean for Cross-Strait Relations?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan's foreign affairs, defense, national security, and cross-strait portfolios get reshuffled.

'Sky Row' Calls for Debates on China in Taiwan

'Sky Row' Calls for Debates on China in Taiwan

By Charles I-hsin Chen
China's unilateral announcement of new flight routes should spark a rethink of Tsai's cross-strait policy.
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