Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

Former President Elbegdorj Tsakhia on Mongolia’s Democracy and Security
By Bolor Lkhaajav
“Democracy is deeply rooted in Mongolia. Yet, our people’s choice is under constant assault.”

8 Reasons Why Mongolia's Capital Ulaanbaatar Might Be The Place for a Trump-Kim Summit
By Julian Dierkes and Mendee Jargalsaikhan
If not at Panmunjom, then in Ulaanbaatar Trump and Kim should meet!

The Race for Mongolia's Presidency Begins
By Julian Dierkes
A horse-breeder, a judoka and a feng shui practitioner walk into a Mongolian polling station...

Mongolia’s Democracy Under Stress
By Bolor Lkhaajav
A wave of protests (and lack of any government response) is challenging Mongolia's political system.

Mongolia: Northeast Asia's Hidden Geopolitical Player
By Ankit Panda
Peter Bittner joins Ankit Panda for a conversation on Mongolia.

As ASEM Concludes, World Leaders Condemn Violence in Turkey and Nice
By Peter Bittner
EU Council President Tusk, President Elbegdorj, and others spoke out against the violence and pledged unity.

China, Russia, Mongolia Sign Long-Awaited Economic Partnership Agreement
By Peter Bittner
The below-the-radar trilateral deal could have lasting effects on the region

The Trouble With China-Mongolia Relations
By Bochen Han
China and Mongolia are becoming closer politically and economically, but what do their citizens think?

Belarus: Mongolia's Latest Partner?
By Ankit Panda
Mongolia's president held a meeting with Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko in Ufa, Russia.

Mongolian Empire 2.0? A World Conquered by Online Freedom
By Julian Dierkes, Trevor Kennedy, Melanie Schweiger, Christina Toepell
Mongolia plays host to a conference on Internet freedom.

China's Flashpoint on the Land: Southwest Yunnan
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's editors discuss Mongolia, Myanmar-China relations, and the South China Sea.

ASEM 2016: Mongolia in the Spotlight
By William Turner
Hosting the Asia-Europe Meeting in 2016 will be a significant opportunity for Mongolia.
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