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What a 25-Fold Increase in Turkmen Water Prices Will Mean

What a 25-Fold Increase in Turkmen Water Prices Will Mean

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat is ditching water subsidies, with the savings to be directed into the country's energy sector.
Bread and Circuses in Ashgabat

Bread and Circuses in Ashgabat

By Rebeka Foley
Can a multi-billion dollar sporting event prove Turkmenistan’s modernity despite the country’s reputation for corruption?

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

By Bradley Jardine
Global coverage of Turkmenistan shows the power of personality cults to set agendas far beyond national boundaries.

Where in the World is Abdul Rashid Dostum?

Where in the World is Abdul Rashid Dostum?

By Catherine Putz
After being turned away from Mazar-i-Sharif and refusing to land in Kabul, a plane carrying Dostum reportedly landed in Ashgabat.

A Central Asian President's Guide to Getting Published

A Central Asian President's Guide to Getting Published

By Catherine Putz
An important building block in any cult of personality is a whole shelf of laudatory texts.
Are Cheetahs Back in Turkmenistan?

Are Cheetahs Back in Turkmenistan?

By Casey Michel
Soviet-era hunting and environmental damage ravaged Turkmenistan’s cheetah population, but the cats may be back.

TAPI and CASA-1000 Remain in Project Purgatory

TAPI and CASA-1000 Remain in Project Purgatory

By Casey Michel
As usual, there’s plenty of official optimism.
Energy in Central Asia: Who Has What?

Energy in Central Asia: Who Has What?

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and a breakdown of their energy resources.

Turkmenistan's Gülenist Crackdown

Turkmenistan's Gülenist Crackdown

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat needs to maintain amenable relations with Ankara.

Turkmenistan: Playing Games as the Economy Sinks

Turkmenistan: Playing Games as the Economy Sinks

By Catherine Putz
In the latest sign of an economic crash, Turkmenistan threatens to cut a decades-old benefits system.

UN Chief Embarks on Central Asia Tour

UN Chief Embarks on Central Asia Tour

By Catherine Putz
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is making the full five-state tour.
Reform or Regime Consolidation? Azimov Dismissed From Deputy Prime Minister Post

Reform or Regime Consolidation? Azimov Dismissed From Deputy Prime Minister Post

By Catherine Putz
Rustam Azimov, once floated as a possible successor to Islam Karimov, seems to have been sidelined for good.

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