U.S.-China technology competition
Facing Pressure From China, Can the US Recreate Silicon Valley?
By Charles Mok
The Biden administration’s plan to establish tech hubs across the U.S. can only succeed with effective private-public-academic partnership.
G7 Digital Ministers Preview Summit’s Focus on Tech Competition With China
By Charles Mok
The G-7 digital and tech ministers’ gathering in Takasaki, Japan, offers hints as to the group’s priorities.
China Prioritizes 3 Strategic Technologies in Its Great Power Competition
By Namrata Goswami
Space, AI, and quantum computing and communication are China’s top technology priorities. How advanced are its capabilities in each?
The Future of the China-US Chip War
By Zhuoran Li
Beijing sees no choice but to have the state take control of its tech industry amid U.S. pressure. But past experience shows that the big semiconductor push will bring complications.
Can Huawei Defy Geopolitical Gravity This Time?
By Lyu Jiaran and Dingding Chen
The White House is considering blocking Huawei's access to items below the 5G level, a move that would have a far-reaching impact on the Chinese tech giant.
Promise and Perils for the Japan-South Korea-US Trilateral in 2023
By Hanna Foreman and Andrew Yeo
Aside from longstanding historical issues, the three countries will face challenges in sustaining coordination on North Korea and China policy.
South Korea’s Economic Security Dilemma
By Moksh Suri and Abhishek Sharma
As China-U.S. competition securitizes more and more economic transactions, Seoul’s old balancing act between the rivals is becoming trickier to sustain.
With Chips on the Brain, Netherlands Seeks an Ally in South Korea
By Friso Stevens
Both the Netherlands and South Korea are crucial players in the semiconductor industry – and neither wants to be caught in the China-U.S. crossfire.
Bargaining Chips: US Allies and Export Controls
By Emily Benson
New controls, if maintained, enforced, and ultimately supported by allies, have the potential to reshape the world’s most consequential economic relationships.
Why Europe Struggles With US Export Controls on China
By Antonia Hmaidi and Rebecca Arcesati
In October, the U.S. passed sweeping new export controls on China. It has not been as easy for the United States to gain buy-in as some in Washington expected.
China-US Competition: Who Will Win the Digital Infrastructure Contest?
By Kenson Yeoh and Dingding Chen
China's vision for hybrid digital infrastructure is distinct from the United States' emphasis on dedicated digital infrastructure.
‘Chip War’: The China-US Competition for Critical Technology
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Chris Miller.