
U.S.-China trade

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Latest US-China Trade Talks End With a Whimper

Latest US-China Trade Talks End With a Whimper

By Shannon Tiezzi
As expected, the latest meeting brought the trade war no closer to an end.
Only 4 Days in, China-US Trade War Escalates

Only 4 Days in, China-US Trade War Escalates

By Charlotte Gao
The Trump administration announces additional tariffs on Chinese products and China vows to retaliate “as always.”

The US-China Trade War: Winners and Losers

The US-China Trade War: Winners and Losers

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Gary Hufbauer.

No War But Trade War

No War But Trade War

By Robert Farley
The trade war that Trump has initiated will hurt the United States, but the hope appears to be that it will hurt the Chinese more.

US-China in the History of Trade Wars

US-China in the History of Trade Wars

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Ilya Spivak.
What Chinese Companies Can Learn From ZTE’s Mistakes

What Chinese Companies Can Learn From ZTE’s Mistakes

By Xiaomeng Lu
Some advice for Chinese tech companies looking to go global.

China’s National Media Places Rare Blame on ZTE

China’s National Media Places Rare Blame on ZTE

By Charlotte Gao
In exchange for sanctions lifting, ZTE agrees to pay an additional $1 billion penalty to the U.S government.
US-China Trade: Future of ICT Governance And Global Security

US-China Trade: Future of ICT Governance And Global Security

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from William Plummer.

Brace Yourselves: The US-China Trade War Is About to Begin

Brace Yourselves: The US-China Trade War Is About to Begin

By Shannon Tiezzi
With less than 2 weeks before tariffs are rolled out, the latest effort at negotiations has come and gone.

Ahead of Trade Talks, Trump Slaps More Tariffs on China

Ahead of Trade Talks, Trump Slaps More Tariffs on China

By Charlotte Gao
“Tariffs or threat of tariffs are a very useful and powerful negotiation tactic,” as the AmCham China chair put it.

US-China Trade War Escalates

US-China Trade War Escalates

By Anthony Fensom
While a truce was called, the fundamental tensions have not been addressed -- so the 'war' is back on.
Why China Won’t Abandon Its Controversial Trade Policies

Why China Won’t Abandon Its Controversial Trade Policies

By William Weightman
Protectionist policies play a key role in China’s national strategy.

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