U.S. Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific

The Best US Response to the South China Sea Case? Ratify TPP.
By William G. Frasure
Ratifying TPP isn't an adequate response to China's military moves. But it is a necessary one.

Asia Pivot: Does the US Need to ‘Rebalance Harder’?
By Graham Webster
The Obama White House is realistically out of time to articulate a newly integrated vision for the Asia-Pacific region.

US Asia Rebalance Still Lacks Direction, Resources: Study
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new think tank report takes Washington’s Asia strategy to task and suggests how to boost it.

Interview: The Future of US Military Exercises in the Asia-Pacific
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat talks with Rear Admiral Charlie Williams about the future prospects for U.S. exercises and America's presence.

US Submarine Fleet in the Pacific Has New Commander
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Rear Admiral Frederick J. Roegge takes over during a testing time in the region.

Do Asians Back the US Pivot More than Americans?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though a new survey suggests this is the case, a closer look reveals a more complex picture.

US to Help Vietnam Bolster Maritime Security
By Ankit Panda
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced $18 million in U.S. funding to help Vietnam beef up its coast guard.

Beyond the US Rebalance to Asia: A Regional Perspective
By David Lang
A look at what US allies and partners are doing in the Asia-Pacific.

TPP as Important as Another Aircraft Carrier: US Defense Secretary
By Prashanth Parameswaran
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter chimes in on the importance of concluding the TPP.
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