
US and China in Latin America

How Venezuela’s Threats Are Restructuring China-Guyana Relations

How Venezuela’s Threats Are Restructuring China-Guyana Relations

By Henry Ziemer
The Essequibo dispute showcases the two sides of China’s engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean. Now Beijing is finding it hard to stay in the middle.

The Argentina-China Relationship at Its Worst Historical Moment

The Argentina-China Relationship at Its Worst Historical Moment

By Patricio Giusto
It was clear that the election of Javier Milei was the worst possible scenario for China, and the nightmare became a reality in the worst way.
China is Untangling the Latin American Spaghetti Bowl

China is Untangling the Latin American Spaghetti Bowl

By Adam Ratzlaff
China’s multipronged and innovative approach to engaging regional organizations in the Americas has permitted Beijing to expand its presence across the region.

China-Latin America Space Cooperation: An Overview

China-Latin America Space Cooperation: An Overview

By R. Evan Ellis
As China has increased its political and economic cooperation with Latin America, it has also expanded its space engagement with the region.

The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

By Thiago de Aragao
The rivalry between Washington and Beijing has put Latin American countries in a challenging position, particularly as the region's economic dependence on China grows.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Should the US Do About China’s Spy Facility in Cuba?

What Should the US Do About China’s Spy Facility in Cuba?

By Joseph Bouchard
News that China plans to establish a signals and electronics intelligence station on the island carries echoes of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

China-Latin America Relations Amid the Pink Tide 2.0

China-Latin America Relations Amid the Pink Tide 2.0

By Lunting Wu
The distinct features of the current leftist politics in Latin America may shape relations with China differently than during the first Pink Tide in the early 2000s. 
Taiwan’s Future in Latin America

Taiwan’s Future in Latin America

Patricio Giusto, Julieta Heduvan, and Brian Hioe discuss the future of Taiwan's diplomatic recognition in Latin America.

Latin and South America Are a Key to the United States’ Critical Minerals Puzzle 

Latin and South America Are a Key to the United States’ Critical Minerals Puzzle 

By Sam Howell
The U.S. depends on China for critical minerals, the backbone of the digital economy and modern military power. 

Race to the Bottom: China and the Self-Defeating Logic of Transactional Diplomacy in the Americas

Race to the Bottom: China and the Self-Defeating Logic of Transactional Diplomacy in the Americas

By R. Evan Ellis
The U.S. shouldn’t base its Latin America policy on trying to match China’s actions in the region.

Honduras’ China Switch and the Aftershocks

Honduras’ China Switch and the Aftershocks

By Wang Linbin
Honduras has officially terminated diplomatic relations with Taipei and embraced Beijing instead. Given China’s positioning in Latin America, this is not an isolated event.
China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

By R. Evan Ellis
Since establishing ties in 2017, China has invested significant effort in Panama and made important, if uneven, progress in building influence.

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