Myanmar’s Crisis: What Comes Next?
By Khaing Sandi Win Min
As the military's atrocities continue, Myanmar’s crisis threatens to undermine the wider region’s security.
We Don’t Need to Wait on the UN to Expand Taiwan’s International Role
By Gray Sergeant
Liberal democracies can, and should, develop their own bilateral and multilateral exchanges with Taiwan, even while pushing for its inclusion in the WHO and other U.N. bodies.
The US Should Restore its Fulbright and Peace Corps Programs in China
By Euhwa Tran
Encouraging Americans to live, study and work abroad will contribute to making the United States a more open, tolerant, and inclusive society.
Whether Fighting COVID-19 or the Next Pandemic, Taiwan Can Help
By Shih-chung Chen
The world cannot build a resilient and inclusive global health system while excluding Taiwan from participating.
The Indian Foreign Service Must Speak Out Against Growing Politicization
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The Indian diplomatic corps is being increasingly used for partisan purposes.
Myanmar’s Generals Aren’t Going Anywhere
By George McLeod
As sanctions are reimposed, the country's old business elite is slowly clawing back the ground lost during a decade of reform.
Independent Journalists in Vietnam: The Clampdown Against Critics Continues
By Stewart Rees
Vietnam’s independent journalists are under siege, and there is little cause for optimism.
We’re Not in a Cold War With China, We’re in a Green War for Survival
By Edward J. Markey
We cannot save the “pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known” without spurring China -- and ourselves -- to action.
China’s Paper Tiger Surveillance State
By Isabel Ivanescu and Robert Carlson
The CCP's pervasive surveillance apparatus is a sign not of strength, but of fragility.
Myanmar Junta’s Diplomatic Games Need Tough Response
By John Sifton
The ASEAN summit’s failings demonstrate that standard diplomatic protocols are insufficient to deal with the Myanmar leadership.
America Must Become the Vaccine Arsenal of Democracy
By Joaquin Castro
The tragedy underway in India proves that the United States must leverage its full industrial and scientific capacity until the entire world is vaccinated.
China’s Coast Guard Law Challenges Rule-Based Order
By Wataru Okada
The international community must respond to China’s maritime coercion.