Asia Defense

Back From the Dead: India and Russia Revive Talks Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

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Back From the Dead: India and Russia Revive Talks Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

New Delhi and Moscow have restarted cost negotiations over the Sukhol/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft.

Back From the Dead: India and Russia Revive Talks Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet
Credit: wikimedia commons/Alex Beltyukov

A high level Russian delegation arrived in New Delhi this week to recommence negotiations over the much-delayed Sukhol/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) project, or as it known in India, the Perspective Multi-role Fighter (PMF), the Times of India reports.

“We have got the clearance to restart the talks. Accordingly, a Russian team is here and cost negotiations began yesterday,” said a source within India’s Ministry of Defense.

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