
February 2023

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EU Imposes Sixth Round of Sanctions Against Military-Ruled Myanmar

EU Imposes Sixth Round of Sanctions Against Military-Ruled Myanmar

By Sebastian Strangio
Among those listed are the junta's energy minister, and a number of private companies believed to be funneling arms, funds, and fuel to the military.
Thailand’s Prayut Says Parliament Will Be Dissolved in Early March

Thailand’s Prayut Says Parliament Will Be Dissolved in Early March

By Sebastian Strangio
The upcoming election, due to fall in early May, will see the Thai leader stand for election for the first time.

Land Before Water: Why Vietnam’s Grand Strategy is Fundamentally Continental

Land Before Water: Why Vietnam’s Grand Strategy is Fundamentally Continental

By Khang Vu
Despite limited past operations in littoral waters, the country's strategic attention has been overwhelmingly directed at land-based threats.

Is China a Developing Nation? The US Congress Is Skeptical. 

Is China a Developing Nation? The US Congress Is Skeptical. 

By Sadie Statman
By designating China a developed rather than developing nation, proposed U.S. legislation would challenge the credibility of how Beijing frames its international cooperation. 

The Philippines’ Basic Education Crisis

The Philippines’ Basic Education Crisis

By Mong Palatino
Out of the country's 327,000-odd school buildings, less than a third are in good condition, according to government figures.
China’s Clouded Future in Afghanistan

China’s Clouded Future in Afghanistan

By Barbara Kelemen
Will Islamic State Khorasan Province push Beijing to abandon Kabul?

The Ukraine War Echoes in Ancient Samarkand

The Ukraine War Echoes in Ancient Samarkand

By Dan Storyev
An unusual diaspora -- Indian medical students evacuated from Ukraine last year -- has found community in a small Catholic church in Samarkand.
China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable

China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable

By Etsehiwot Kebret and Hannah Ryder
China is right to say that the World Bank and IMF need to engage in debt relief. Many African debtor countries think the same thing.

Moscow Multilateral Security Dialogue: Regional Consensus Elusive on Afghanistan

Moscow Multilateral Security Dialogue: Regional Consensus Elusive on Afghanistan

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Pakistan skipped the meeting, while Russia has proposed a new effort to build “regional consensus” – a G-5.

Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations

Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There is a lot riding on the relationship for both New Delhi and Canberra given that both have a inherent interest in balancing China and ensuring a stable Indo-Pacific strategic order.

China Says It’s Seeking Role in Ukraine Peace Settlement

China Says It’s Seeking Role in Ukraine Peace Settlement

By Associated Press
As the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion looms, China's positioning on the Ukraine war is coming under increased scrutiny.
China’s Censors Could Shape the Future of AI-Generated Content

China’s Censors Could Shape the Future of AI-Generated Content

By Sarah Cook
When the Chinese regime’s information controls intersect with artificial intelligence, they can distort the global information landscape.

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