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Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) focused on future conflict and the future of war. Follow him on Twitter.

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a columnist for The Diplomat. He is the author of a number of monographs and book chapters on Asian and European security issues.

Franz-Stefan was a Senior Editor with The Diplomat. He has also reported from a wide range of countries and conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. His writing and photos have appeared in The International New York Times, BBC News, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Christian Science Monitor, and Slate among other publications.

His analysis has been featured in The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal, and on Al Jazeera and PBSamong others.

Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Franz-Stefan Gady
Page 122 of 178
June 23, 2016

Russia’s Deadliest Subs to Receive New Heat-Seeking Torpedos

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Russian Navy expects the new weapon to be operational by 2017.
June 22, 2016

Are Chinese Cyberattacks Against US Targets in Decline?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report argues that there has been a decline in the number of Chinese cyberattacks against U.S. targets.

June 22, 2016

Japan Extends Anti-Piracy Mission off Somalia For Another Year

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two Japanese destroyers and two maritime patrol aircraft will continue their anti-piracy mission into 2017.

June 22, 2016

Is Pakistan Secretly Testing a New Chinese Killer Drone?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The recent crash of a UAV in Pakistan appears to confirm that Islamabad is mulling the purchase of new combat drones.

June 21, 2016

Russia’s Pacific Fleet to Receive New Ballistic Missile Sub by Year-End

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new Russian ballistic missile sub will head to the Pacific this year, a senior Russian military officer claims.
June 21, 2016

Afghan Air Force Gets 5 New Attack Helicopters

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Five new MD-530 Cayuse Warrior helicopters arrived in Kabul last week.

June 21, 2016

Afghanistan: 14 Nepali Security Guards Killed in Suicide Bomber Attack in Kabul

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Bomb attacks in Kabul and other parts of the country killed at least 23 on Monday.
June 17, 2016

US Navy Sends Electronic Attack Warplanes to Philippines Amid South China Sea Tensions

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Four aircraft arrived at Clark Air Base for pilot training and to support U.S. Navy operations in the South China Sea.

June 17, 2016

Is Russia's ‘Deadliest Tank’ Cheaper Than European and US Armor?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The T-14 armored platform is cheaper than Western analogs, the Russian defense industry claims.

June 16, 2016

China-US Relations in Cyberspace: A Half-Year Assessment

By Franz-Stefan Gady
While some progress has been made, China-U.S. relations in cyberspace remain fragile and cooperation tenuous.

June 16, 2016

China-US Talks on Cybercrime: What Are the Outcomes?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
What were the outcomes of the second rounds of Sino-U.S. talks on cybercrime and related issues?
June 16, 2016

Russia Reinforces Tajikistan Base with 100 New Armored Vehicles

By Franz-Stefan Gady
100 new tanks and armored personnel carriers purportedly arrived at Russia’s largest military base abroad.

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