‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Facebook Fails to Detect Hate Speech Against Rohingya, Report Claims
By Sebastian Strangio
A leading advocacy group claims that the platform's ability to detect Burmese-language hate speech "remains abysmally poor.”

Timor-Leste Vote Highlights Young Nation’s Political Impasse
By Fernando da Costa
Can the presidential election, Timor-Leste's fifth since its independence in 2002, break a years-long political deadlock?

Japan Raises its Voice in Cambodia
By Luke Hunt
Prime Minister Kishida delivers as Hun Sen looks to Tokyo for support.

ASEAN Special Envoy Begins First Official Mission to Myanmar
By Sebastian Strangio
As the envoy departs on his first official mission to the country, neither side seems ready to negotiate.

The Strategic Patience of Dawlah Islamiyah in Mindanao
By Kenneth Yeo
The rise of a new leader suggests that Islamist militants continue to pose a clear and present security threat in the southern Philippines.

The US Says Myanmar Committed Genocide in Assaults on Rohingya
By Sebastian Strangio
The declaration is long overdue, but accountability for Myanmar's military remains a long way off.

Introducing the Colors of the Philippine Election
By Mong Palatino
As campaigning heats up, Leni Robredo's "pink wave" is facing off against the red-green tandem of the Marcos-Duterte ticket.

Explaining the Vietnamese Public’s Mixed Responses to the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
By To Minh Son
Russian President Vladimir Putin has attracted both admirers and detractors among the country's active netizens.

Will the Philippines’ Future Be Pink?
By Analiza Liezl Perez-Amurao
As the country approaches presidential elections due in May, the Vice President Leni Robredo's campaign is gaining momentum.

Cambodia Convicts 20 Opposition Activists on Vague, Political Charges
By Sebastian Strangio
The convictions come ahead of important commune council elections scheduled for June.

Vietnam Blocks Activists From Attending Ukrainian Embassy Charity Event
By Sebastian Strangio
The fundraising event touched on a number of issues of great sensitivity to Hanoi.

Thailand’s Shattered APEC Dream
By Tita Sanglee
Thailand was hoping for a repeat of its successful 2003 chairmanship of APEC before the Russia-Ukraine war threw its plans into disarray.