‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Social Media Misinformation and the 2022 Philippine Elections
By Japhet Quitzon
Next year's presidential contest is set to produce a dramatic sequel to the “social media election" of 2016.

Indonesia and the Papua Issue: Resolution Increasingly Unlikely
By Uday Bakhshi
With a more violent armed separatist organization being active, and Jakarta’s reticence to win hearts and minds, the avenues for reconciliation are decreasing.

Joyful Reunions as Malaysia-Singapore Land Border Reopens
By Syawalludin Zain
The Causeway Bridge between Singapore and Malaysia was one of the world's busiest land borders before the pandemic struck.

Cambodian Prince and Politician Norodom Ranariddh Dies at 77
By Sopheng Cheang
Ranariddh took over leadership of Funcinpec, converted it into a royalist party and won elections in 1993. But he was overthrown in 1996 by Hun Sen.

Cambodia Bolts Into Its New Normal
By Luke Hunt
The road ahead is long and lonely for Cambodia, with Chinese largess checked by the pandemic and Western interests soured by pre-pandemic crackdowns.

Malaysia: Is Barisan Nasional Growing in Strength?
By Alifah Zainuddin
The six-decade-old grand old coalition, led by UMNO, remains in a much weaker state, but it will inevitably be looking to build on its winning momentum.

Concerns Rise Over Indonesia’s Sputtering Virus Vaccinations
By David Rising and Edna Tarigan
Vaccine hesitancy in the predominantly Muslim country can be traced to apprehensions that shots other than the Chinese-made Sinovac are not "halal."

Bangladesh Sends Hundreds More Rohingya Refugees to Island
By Julhas Alam
Dhaka says that the relocation of refugees to the low-lying island is a temporary arrangement; they will eventually have to return to Myanmar.

In Post-Coup Myanmar, Women Face Systemic Campaigns of Terror and Assault
By Maggi Quadrini
The annual 16-day campaign against gender-based violence should draw attention to the urgent need to protect women and girls in Myanmar.

APEC 2022: Time and Momentum Are Not On Thailand’s Side
By Tita Sanglee
In the face of mounting domestic concerns, Thailand will have a hard time trying to smoothly run APEC meetings in 2022.

Timor-Leste Is Facing a Make-or-Break Moment
By Avelino Dos Santos Da Costa
Diversifying the economy, which is massively dependent on oil and gas, is the biggest task facing Timor-Leste. The time is now, and every second counts.

Indonesia’s Participation at COP26
By Noto Suoneto and Gracia Paramitha
From deforestation to coal use, Indonesia was in the spotlight during the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.