
Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border

Could Afghanistan’s Qoshtepa Canal Worsen Water Scarcity in Central Asia?

Could Afghanistan’s Qoshtepa Canal Worsen Water Scarcity in Central Asia?

By Andrew Kuchins and Elvira Aidarkhanova
The canal's completion could exacerbate regional conflict, but also presents an opportunity for regional cooperation. 
Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities

Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities

By Eldaniz Gusseinov
Ashgabat has a delicate balance to maintain between hewing to its traditional neutrality and mitigating potential threats from Afghanistan. 

Turkmenistan Still Persists in COVID Denial

Turkmenistan Still Persists in COVID Denial

By Catherine Putz
ASAP or maybe never: In August, the WHO wanted to visit Turkmenistan ASAP to test suspected COVID-19 samples. To date, no new mission has taken place.

Turkmenistan and Gazprom Settle 5-Year Gas Deal

Turkmenistan and Gazprom Settle 5-Year Gas Deal

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat is likely happy to have Russia back as a customer, no matter the price.

How Concerned Is Turkmenistan About Its Afghan Border?

How Concerned Is Turkmenistan About Its Afghan Border?

By Catherine Putz
A reported drive to register men under 50 for the army reserves hints at underlying concern about the border.
Russia's Security Inroads With Turkmenistan

Russia's Security Inroads With Turkmenistan

By Samuel Ramani
Beyond economic relations, Moscow and Ashgabat are increasingly seeking security cooperation.

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

By Bradley Jardine
Global coverage of Turkmenistan shows the power of personality cults to set agendas far beyond national boundaries.
Discussing Dictators and Nuclear Fallout in Central Asia

Discussing Dictators and Nuclear Fallout in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
A detailed look at the Afghan border, a discussion of dictators, and a secret report on Semipalatinsk; recommended reads.

All Quiet on the Turkmen Front?

All Quiet on the Turkmen Front?

By Catherine Putz
What is happening on the border? It's decidedly more than nothing.

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan Railway

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan Railway

By Shoaib Ahmad Rahim
The largely-unheralded railroad could be the key to restoring Afghanistan's role as a regional hub.

Russian Defense Minister Visits Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

Russian Defense Minister Visits Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
Sergei Shoigu embodies Moscow's concerns about whether Central Asia can manage security, internally and on its periphery.
Has Iran Finally Found a Security Partner in Central Asia?

Has Iran Finally Found a Security Partner in Central Asia?

By Samuel Ramani
Warming security ties between Iran and Turkmenistan could have long-lasting implications.

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