
ASEAN Rohingya response

Myanmar Asylum Seeker Crisis Needs a Humane and Regional Solution

Myanmar Asylum Seeker Crisis Needs a Humane and Regional Solution

By Perry Q. Wood
A more coordinated response would open more formal channels for asylum seekers to seek refuge in other countries. 
The Rohingya Crisis and the Myth of Myanmar Sovereignty

The Rohingya Crisis and the Myth of Myanmar Sovereignty

By Muhammad Estiak Hussian
Powerful actors like China, Russia, ASEAN, and many other nations have refused to act in the Rohingya crisis – usually citing Myanmar’s sovereignty and the principle of non-interference.

Who Will Champion the Rohingya?

Who Will Champion the Rohingya?

By Paul McPhun
“Failing meaningful and safe return to Myanmar, I worry what the future holds. How long can people live with so little basic protection and hope?”

Stranded, Stateless, Imprisoned: How Asia is Failing Rohingya Children

Stranded, Stateless, Imprisoned: How Asia is Failing Rohingya Children

By Hassan Noor
No child, wherever they are, should grow up living in fear. 

Indonesia Urges Myanmar to Create Safe Conditions for Rohingya Repatriation

Indonesia Urges Myanmar to Create Safe Conditions for Rohingya Repatriation

By Sebastian Strangio
Conditions in Rakhine State are unlikely to be amenable to the safe return of refugees any time soon.
What Should ASEAN Do About the Rohingya Crisis?

What Should ASEAN Do About the Rohingya Crisis?

By Sebastian Strangio
A new report from a regional human rights group urges the ten-member bloc to take a more holistic approach to the situation in western Myanmar.

Plight of Rohingyas Under COVID-19 Spotlights ASEAN’s Failure

Plight of Rohingyas Under COVID-19 Spotlights ASEAN’s Failure

By Nor Arlene Tan
Amid the pandemic and global economic chaos, the ongoing Rohingya refugee crisis in Southeast Asia has quietly been swept under a rug.
Can ASEAN Economic Integration Succeed?

Can ASEAN Economic Integration Succeed?

By Justine Doody
The ASEAN Economic Community holds promise – but it also presents challenges to the group’s policy of noninterference.

Why ASEAN Can't Ignore the Rohingya Crisis

Why ASEAN Can't Ignore the Rohingya Crisis

By Jera Lego
The Rohingya crisis is not just an issue for Myanmar; it will impact security and economic trends throughout the region.

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Is Wrong About Myanmar’s Rohingya Issue

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Is Wrong About Myanmar’s Rohingya Issue

By Sao Phal Niseiy
Sorry, Hun Sen: the Rohingya crisis can’t be dismissed as Myanmar’s internal affair.

Will Najib’s Vocal Defense of the Rohingya Backfire?

Will Najib’s Vocal Defense of the Rohingya Backfire?

By Theophilus Kwek
In speaking out forcefully about “genocide” in Myanmar, Malaysia’s prime minister may have opened a Pandora’s box.
A Month of US Human Rights Concerns in Southeast Asia

A Month of US Human Rights Concerns in Southeast Asia

By Mong Palatino
The issue has been in the spotlight this month in several Southeast Asian states.

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