
Asia climate change

Sea Level Rise Is a Clear Threat to Malaysia

Sea Level Rise Is a Clear Threat to Malaysia

By Raksha Pandya-Wood and Azliyana Azhari
It is imperative that adaptation measures are implemented now to safeguard against future extreme climate events.
Threat Multiplier: Sherri Goodman on Climate and Global Security

Threat Multiplier: Sherri Goodman on Climate and Global Security

By Catherine Putz
“By understanding how climate is reshaping the global landscape, we can more effectively prepare our forces to operate under changing conditions.”

Ahead of UN Vote, Vanuatu Says: We Must Fight for Climate Justice

Ahead of UN Vote, Vanuatu Says: We Must Fight for Climate Justice

By Jotham Napat and Patricia Scotland
If we value human rights and the rule of law, then we must fight for climate justice, argue Vanuatu's foreign minister and the Commonwealth's secretary-general.

Seeking Higher Ground: Climate Resilience in the Maldives

Seeking Higher Ground: Climate Resilience in the Maldives

By Nicholas Muller
Maldivians cannot wait much longer for durable solutions to the threats posed by climate change.

In Numbers: Urbanization and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific

In Numbers: Urbanization and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific

By Diplomat Risk Intelligence
A new DRI Trendlines report describes, among other things, how climate change and urbanization interact in the Asia-Pacific, leading to new traditional and non-traditional security risks.
Window for Southeast Asian Climate Action Narrowing: Report

Window for Southeast Asian Climate Action Narrowing: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a rare opportunity for the region to embark on a transition to greener forms of energy.

Southeast Asia and the ‘Just Transition’ to Clean Energy

Southeast Asia and the ‘Just Transition’ to Clean Energy

By James Guild
Despite talk of a green transition, some Southeast Asian governments still have strong economic incentives to cling to fossil fuels.
US Defense Secretary Notes Climate Change Focus in Message to Force

US Defense Secretary Notes Climate Change Focus in Message to Force

By Abhijnan Rej
Lloyd Austin’s message foregrounds one of the key priorities of the Biden administration for the military.

Asia and the Pacific Can Lead the Way in Climate Ambition

Asia and the Pacific Can Lead the Way in Climate Ambition

By Dechen Tsering and Christophe Bahuet
Five years ago, Asia-Pacific countries were crucial to the passage of the Paris Agreement. They will also be key to fulfilling its aims.

India and the Philippines Must Focus on Climate Change and Disaster Management

India and the Philippines Must Focus on Climate Change and Disaster Management

By Abhijnan Rej
Greater cooperation and dialogue around softer issues will pave way for greater strategic cooperation.

No Taxation Without Climate Action

No Taxation Without Climate Action

By David Hutt
As they grapple with COVID-19, Southeast Asian nations should not lose sight of the challenges posed by climate change.
Is the Managed Retreat Plan for the Sundarbans Misguided?

Is the Managed Retreat Plan for the Sundarbans Misguided?

By Debjani Bhattacharyya and Megnaa Mehtta
Planners need to look beyond technocratic solutions as they rise to the challenges posed by climate change.

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