
Chinese loans to Africa

China-Africa Summit 2024: The Octopus’ Embrace

China-Africa Summit 2024: The Octopus’ Embrace

By Ram Singh
While FOCAC showcased ambitious plans for mutual economic growth, a more intricate dynamic lies beneath, reminiscent of an octopus’ embrace – tightening, entangling, and often constricting. 
Why Angola’s Latest Visit to China Is Good for the G7

Why Angola’s Latest Visit to China Is Good for the G7

By Ovigwe Eguegu
President Lourenço’s visit took place amid the talk of growing global competition between the United States and China in the Southern African region.

What Lies Ahead for Chinese Lending to Africa?

What Lies Ahead for Chinese Lending to Africa?

By Trevor Lwere
Despite much talk of a slowdown, there is reason to believe that Chinese loans to African countries will increase in 2024.

A Tale of 3 Nations: Debt Restructuring in Ghana, Zambia, and Sri Lanka

A Tale of 3 Nations: Debt Restructuring in Ghana, Zambia, and Sri Lanka

By Dilmini Hasintha Abeyrathne
What three different countries can tell us about the global debt problem – and China’s role in both debt distress and debt relief.

What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

By Trevor Lwere
There has been much talk of a perceived slowdown in BRI lending, but African leaders are still looking to China to advance development goals.
China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable

China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable

By Etsehiwot Kebret and Hannah Ryder
China is right to say that the World Bank and IMF need to engage in debt relief. Many African debtor countries think the same thing.

Why Did Chinese Loans to Africa Fall So Much in 2020?

Why Did Chinese Loans to Africa Fall So Much in 2020?

By Etsehiwot Kebret and Yike Fu
Of course the COVID-19 pandemic played a role, but there is another factor at play: pressure from international organizations to avoid debt.
African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

By Ndidi Akahara
African countries have the agency to use relations with China to their own advantage. Whether African leaders will use their power to benefit their people is another question.

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Business Startups in African Countries?

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Business Startups in African Countries?

By Jonathan Munemo
New research shows Chinese loans provide a significant boost to entrepreneurs in Africa.

A New Database Reveals China’s ‘Secret’ Loans? Think Again.

A New Database Reveals China’s ‘Secret’ Loans? Think Again.

By Leah Lynch, Patrick Anam, and Judith Mwai
Borrower countries have more control over the terms of Chinese loans – including transparency – than the prevailing narrative suggests.

African Perspectives on China

African Perspectives on China

Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi, Hannah Ryder, and Bob Wekesa discuss the many variations of African views on China, from pessimism to optimism and everything in between.
COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

By Abdou Rahim Lema and Samu Ngwenya
From debt to trade deficits, the pandemic is highlighting existing problems in China’s relationship with the East African Community.

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