Contemporary Art
Indoor Art Watching
Asia’s most expensive high-end artwork is no longer limited to the eyes of the elite.
Modern Art & Culture in Bangkok
Thailand’s capital offers many convenient spots for visitors wanting to get a feel for its vibrant arts and culture scene.
Let The Art Talk
One of the worst things gallery staff can do is talk excessively. It’s key to let viewers and art connect in silence.

'CODE RED' Art: Yeoh Kean Thai
Malaysian artist Yeoh Kean Thai’s new art reflects both his own unique life story and environmental threats today.
3 Must-See Asian Galleries
Three contemporary galleries located in three popular Asian cities, have proven track records in finding young talent.
‘Eye’ of the Gallerist
Rule of thumb: If you visit enough galleries, you’re bound to find something good. And the ‘eye’ of the gallerist counts.

Agus Purnomo, A ‘Numbers Guy’
An unpleasant experience at his local Tesco led to this Indonesian artist finding a distinctive form for his art.

Not to be Missed, in Bali
When in Bali, there’s one gallery any art enthusiast must visit. And it’s the place to go if you want to know what’s going on in Indonesian art.

Energy and Emotion in Bali
Bali-based artist Ida Bagus Putu Purwa’s works are compelling, to say the least—thanks to his expression of a full range of emotions via art.
Want to Open A Gallery?
Owning an art gallery is tougher than it seems – literally. So there is one surprising skill that all aspiring gallerists should have.
Real Hong Kong Art
Most galleries in the city focus on China. Where can works by local artists be found? The Hong Kong Museum of Art is a good start, as is a unique winter event in Fo Tan.

Hong Kong: Art in Big Batches
How is the art in China’s major hotels chosen and by who? What are the big trends in Hong Kong’s art market now? An inside look into this and more.