
‘Realism’ Looms Large Over the CDP Leadership Race
By Jio Kamata
Japan’s main opposition party is holding a leadership election. Is it ready to shake off the stigma of the previous DPJ government?

Can Kishida Turn the LDP Into a Friend of Labor?
By Jio Kamata
The LDP is hoping to capitalize on rifts within the Japanese Trade Union Confederation and the opposition ranks.

Revisiting the Obama-Hatoyama Relationship
By Gregory Kulacki
A controversy stoked by Obama's recent memoir gives causes to look back at a troubled relationship - and what could have been.

Japan’s Lessons for Malaysia
By Nithin Coca
Japan’s 2009 election experience has lessons for Malaysia’s first opposition government.

Abenomics Is Failing. So Why Is Abe Poised to Win Big in Japan's Elections?
By Trissia Wijaya
Despite little economic progress, Japan will vote for the status quo on July 10.

Japan Gears up for Elections
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan will head to the polls in July, but the result seems obvious already.

Japan's 'New' Opposition Party Is Not Actually New
By Yuki Tatsumi
The new Democratic Party looks a lot like its primary predecessor, the Democratic Party of Japan.

Can Japan's Opposition Unite to Dethrone the LDP?
By Mina Pollmann
By-elections in April will be a testing ground for major opposition parties' election strategy.

The Democratic Party of Japan: The Beginning of the End?
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan's opposition has not been able to capitalize on the unpopularity of Shinzo Abe's security bills.

Japan Can't Ignore Rising Tensions in Korea
By Yuki Tatsumi
Even with tension rising on the Korean Peninsula, the Japanese opposition is keeping an inward focus.

The Domestic Hurdles for Japan's Defense Reforms
By Mina Pollmann
With Abe's U.S. visit over, the next task is getting the domestic security reforms he promised while in Washington.

Financial Scandals in Japan Could Force Shake-Up in Abe's Cabinet
By Mina Pollmann
Alleged violations of the Political Funds Control Law are reverberating through the LDP and DPJ alike.
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