ethnic Kazakhs in China

No Escape: Camp Survivor Describes Life Under House Arrest in Xinjiang
By Tasnim Nazeer
Zhanargul Zhumatai, a Kazakh artist and former editor, lives in fear of being rearrested by the Chinese authorities at any time.

Kazakh History Textbooks Teach Indifference Toward the Next-of-kin in Chinese Xinjiang
By Berikbol Dukeyev
The Kazakh public generally remains silent about the plight of ethnic Kazakh detainees held in Xinjiang. The education system is one reason why.

Xinjiang Kazakh Plans Political Party to Counter China’s Xi
By Dake Kang
Despite Xi’s warm official reception in Kazakhstan, the general population is disturbed by reports of oppression aimed at Kazakhs in China.

Ethnic Kazakh From Xinjiang Detained in Europe, Again
By Catherine Putz
Three years after fleeing China, an ethnic Kazakh man continues to struggle to find a safe place to land.

Why Haven’t Kazakh Xinjiang Protests Gained Traction?
By Dariga Sanayeva
The plight of Kazakhs detained in Xinjiang’s “re-education” camps has not gained widespread public support among ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan.

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained
By Catherine Putz
Several activists well-known for picketing the Chinese consulate in Almaty have reportedly been detained in Kazakhstan.

No Home Here: Ethnic Kazakhs Denied Citizenship After Fleeing Xinjiang
By Catherine Putz
Ethnic Kazakhs who fled Xinjiang are caught in an awkward vortex of domestic politics, international pressures, and the legacies of ethnicity and nationalism in Kazakhstan.

The Kazakh Herders of Xinjiang
By Sribala Subramanian
Revisiting “Winter Pasture,” an early chronicle of the hardships endured by a Xinjiang-based minority group.

Small Protests Persist Outside Chinese Consulate in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
In Almaty, Kazakhstan's former capital and largest city, a group of mostly old women have continued to protest Chinese policies in Xinjiang.

UN Working Group Finds Serikzhan Bilash’s Detention by Kazakhstan Arbitrary
By Catherine Putz
Bilash headed a group advocating for greater attention to the ethnic Kazakhs detained in China’s camps in Xinjiang. It got him in trouble with the Kazakh government.

The Xinjiang Camp Debt Trap
By Safiya Sadyr
New revelations bring to light financial abuses of those interned in China’s “training centers” in Xinjiang.

2 More Ethnic Kazakhs Who Fled Xinjiang Won’t Be Deported
By Catherine Putz
Murager Alimuly and Qaster Musakhanuly were given one-year prison sentences, but a Kazakh court declined to deport them.
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