
Huawei 5G

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

By Aparna Divya
Germany’s decision to exclude ZTE and Huawei parts from its 5G networks stems from geopolitical anxieties and strategic concerns.
China’s Digital Silk Road and Malaysia’s Technological Neutrality

China’s Digital Silk Road and Malaysia’s Technological Neutrality

By Ilaria Carrozza and Giacomo Bruni
Like other nations in Asia and Africa, Malaysia has shown considerable agency in navigating the tech war between the United States and China.

‘Wireless Wars’: How China (Almost) Came to Dominate 5G

‘Wireless Wars’: How China (Almost) Came to Dominate 5G

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Jonathan Pelson.

The Huawei Factor in US-India Relations

The Huawei Factor in US-India Relations

By Arindrajit Basu and Justin Sherman
U.S. and Indian decisions about Huawei have implications not just for their separate relations with China, but the U.S.-India bilateral as well.

For Indonesia, Chinese 5G Cooperation Brings Promise and Peril

For Indonesia, Chinese 5G Cooperation Brings Promise and Peril

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
Like many nations, Indonesia faces a difficult decision about how far to engage with China's Digital Silk Road.
Israel Is Stuck Between the Superpowers

Israel Is Stuck Between the Superpowers

By Gedaliah Afterman
An effective foreign investment review mechanism will help Israel’s relationship with both the U.S. and China.

India Inches Forward to Block Chinese Telecom Equipment

India Inches Forward to Block Chinese Telecom Equipment

By Abhijnan Rej
A new directive to issue “trust source” certification for telecom equipment paves the way for a ban on Chinese 5G solutions.
China’s Digital Silk Road Grows With 5G in the Middle East

China’s Digital Silk Road Grows With 5G in the Middle East

By Sophie Zinser
Huawei and other Chinese firms continue to make rapid inroads among Gulf countries – despite the United States’ efforts.

How US Sanctions Drove Iran Into Huawei’s Arms

How US Sanctions Drove Iran Into Huawei’s Arms

By Reza Khaasteh
U.S. sanctions kicked Ericsson out of Iran. Now the Chinese telecom giant is poised to win the 5G race in the country.

China’s Bid to Conquer Russia’s 5G Market Should Worry the Kremlin

China’s Bid to Conquer Russia’s 5G Market Should Worry the Kremlin

By Danil Bochkov
Russia’s overdependence on Chinese 5G equipment has implications for the country’s technological development and security.

In Serbia, China’s Digital Silk Road Might Be in Trouble Very Soon

In Serbia, China’s Digital Silk Road Might Be in Trouble Very Soon

By Vuk Vuksanovic
A breakthrough agreement signed between Serbia and Kosovo could spell the end of Huawei's thriving presence in Serbia.
Don’t Underestimate India’s Sidelining of Huawei

Don’t Underestimate India’s Sidelining of Huawei

By Justin Sherman
New Delhi didn’t “ban” Huawei at the behest of Washington. It sidelined the Chinese company for its own complex array of reasons. 

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