India journalists

In India, the State Challenges Independent Media
By Tarushi Aswani
India’s media crackdown goes far beyond the BBC – and it is the country's independent journalists and news houses that are most vulnerable to attack.

India’s Not-So-Free Media
By Aman Madan
India’s once-famed press is devolving into a propaganda apparatus.

India’s War on Reporting
By Siddharthya Roy
In Chhattisgarh, a 50-year-old civil war has left little room for nuance or reason.

Journalism in India: A Dangerous Pursuit?
By Bansari Kamdar
India ranks 14th among states where journalists are murdered and their killers go free, reports Committee to Protect Journalists.

How Fake News Spreads in India
By Alisha Sachdev from StoriesAsia
Clickbait, votes, WhatsApp journalism: Your primer on what really drives fake news in India.
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