
India rape

India’s Supreme Court Takes Step Toward Gender-sensitive Rulings

India’s Supreme Court Takes Step Toward Gender-sensitive Rulings

By Kavita Chowdhury
It has issued a handbook that lists misogynistic language to be avoided in court rulings and draws attention to the impact of gender stereotypes on verdicts.

Sexual Violence Against India’s Most Vulnerable

Sexual Violence Against India’s Most Vulnerable

By Bansari Kamdar
A Dalit girl was gang-raped, murdered and forcibly cremated in New Delhi.
High-Profile Rape Trial Continues India’s Sordid Tradition of Victim-Blaming  

High-Profile Rape Trial Continues India’s Sordid Tradition of Victim-Blaming  

By Sudha Ramachandran
The judge’s report in the case against Tarun Tejpal sparked outrage for its misogynistic scrutiny of the plaintiff.

Violence Against Women in India Must End. Now.

Violence Against Women in India Must End. Now.

By Sudha Ramachandran
A recent brutal attack on a 19-year-old Dalit woman once again highlights India’s terrible track record on gender and caste violence.

Addressing Rape in India

Addressing Rape in India

By Neeta Lal
7 years after an infamous rape and murder case, India has made little progress in preventing crimes against women.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

White: The Deafening Silences of India's Rape Epidemic

White: The Deafening Silences of India's Rape Epidemic

By Avinash Giri
A new silent film by an Indian indie filmmaker highlights the unending horrors of the aftermath of rape.

The Rape That Shook India

The Rape That Shook India

By Um-Roommana
The rape and murder of an 8-year-old sparked protests across the country, starting in Jammu & Kashmir.
India’s Outrage Over Gang Rape, Murder of 8-Year-Old Girl

India’s Outrage Over Gang Rape, Murder of 8-Year-Old Girl

By Avinash Giri and Nantha Kishore from StoriesAsia
Photos from a protest in Delhi's Jantar Mantar area.

Helping Women Travel Alone Amid India’s Rape Problem

Helping Women Travel Alone Amid India’s Rape Problem

By Vishal Arora
Malini Gowrishankar's start-up encourages women to travel by themselves, without fear.

Kill the Rapist?  – Bollywood Grapples with Rape in Upcoming Film

Kill the Rapist? – Bollywood Grapples with Rape in Upcoming Film

A film aims to make “every rapist shiver with fear before even thinking of rape.”

Can the Delhi Verdicts Change India’s Treatment of Women?

Can the Delhi Verdicts Change India’s Treatment of Women?

The Delhi gang-rape verdict is forcing India to think about a deep social ill.

Is There Hope for Indian Women?

Is There Hope for Indian Women?

The recent gang-rape in Mumbai underscores just how far India has to go in its treatment of women.

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