
Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli

Nepal Is Hardly China’s Best Bet in the Himalayas

Nepal Is Hardly China’s Best Bet in the Himalayas

By Saroj Aryal and Jagannath Panda
Beijing has the upper hand for now, but will New Delhi win the long game?
Foes CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress Turn Friends to Form New Nepali Government

Foes CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress Turn Friends to Form New Nepali Government

By Sudha Ramachandran
The political promiscuity of its parties, not the electoral system, is responsible for the country’s prolonged instability.

Coalitions in the Fray in Nepal’s Elections Are Marriages of Convenience

Coalitions in the Fray in Nepal’s Elections Are Marriages of Convenience

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Parties share neither ideology nor policy goals with partners; alliances are merely partnerships to win more seats.

What Lies Behind Prachanda’s Volte-face on Nepal’s Ratification of the Millennium Challenge Compact?

What Lies Behind Prachanda’s Volte-face on Nepal’s Ratification of the Millennium Challenge Compact?

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Domestic politics and personal insecurity prompted the former Maoist chief’s decisions to oppose and subsequently support ratification of the agreement.

What Explains Nepal’s Perennial Instability?

What Explains Nepal’s Perennial Instability?

By Peter Gill
Decisive election results in 2017 raised hopes that Nepal would finally see a government finish its term. That looks like a distant dream today.
After Supreme Court Ruling, Thousands Celebrate Reinstatement of Nepal’s Parliament

After Supreme Court Ruling, Thousands Celebrate Reinstatement of Nepal’s Parliament

By Associated Press
The prime minister’s decision to dissolve the legislature has been overturned by the court after months of mass protests.

Nepal’s Democracy in Crisis

Nepal’s Democracy in Crisis

By Peter Gill
With the prime minister's unilateral move to dissolve Parliament last December, Nepal was thrown into political chaos - with its democracy hanging in the balance.
Nepal Finally Looks Beyond India and China

Nepal Finally Looks Beyond India and China

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
The Oli government is taking long-overdue steps to broaden Nepal's foreign policy horizons.

Nepal-China: Reality Sets In

Nepal-China: Reality Sets In

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
As relations with India turn cordial, Nepal slows down the implementation of past agreements with China.

The China – India – Nepal Triangle

The China – India – Nepal Triangle

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Will India agree to cooperate with China in Nepal's development?

Resetting India-Nepal Relations

Resetting India-Nepal Relations

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
In his first visit to India, Nepal's prime minister focused on the economy rather than thorny political issues.
Is This the End of India's Influence Over Nepal?

Is This the End of India's Influence Over Nepal?

By Biswas Baral
As India loses its clout, the Nepali prime minister asserts his country’s independent identity.

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