Mekong River

The Last Days of Beautiful Luang Prabang
By Tom Fawthrop
UNESCO experts insist that a huge dam would destroy the “authenticity and integrity” of the World Heritage Site in Laos.

Cambodia Seeks UNESCO World Heritage Status to Protect a Mekong Biodiversity Hotspot
By Tom Fawthrop
This potentially spectacular success story for global conservation could be derailed if a huge dam project gets the green light.

Screaming for Mercy, All Along the Mekong
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with the veteran British journalist and filmmaker Tom Fawthrop.

The Precarious State of the Mekong
By Nicholas Muller
Prolonged stress on the Lower Mekong Basin is reaching an ecological tipping point, threatening millions of livelihoods.

Will the Mekong River Really Become the Next South China Sea?
By Sebastian Strangio
Amid competition between China and the U.S., the question of the river's fate has been imbued with a strategic undercurrent.

A Depleted River Scores a World Record Catch
By Luke Hunt
Giant Mekong stingray weighs in at 300-kilograms – and helps solve a mystery.

Thai Mekong Campaigner Awarded Prominent Environmental Prize
By Sebastian Strangio
The efforts of Niwat Roykaew, known commonly as “Khru Ti,” were instrumental in halting a China-led channel deepening project.

Cambodian Fishermen Pull Endangered Giant Stingray From Mekong River
By Sebastian Strangio
The discovery is a reminder of the rich aquatic ecology that is at risk from unbounded hydropower developments.

Laos Pushes Forward With Seventh Mekong River Dam Project
By Sebastian Strangio
The Phou Ngoy dam is one of nine hydropower projects that the Lao government is planning on the mainstream of the Mekong River.

Troubled Waters in the Mekong Region
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with journalist Abby Seiff about the challenges facing Cambodia's Tonle Sap lake.

Hydropower Dams Have Had ‘Profound’ Impact on Mekong River, Monitor Claims
By Sebastian Strangio
A year of data from the Mekong Dam Monitor shows the extent of the impact on Southeast Asia's longest river.

A Perfect Dry: The Mekong River Enters its Fourth Year of Drought
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Brian Eyler of the Stimson Center.