North Korea sanctions

Talks With North Korea Will be Troublesome for Trump
By Troy Stangarone
A second Trump administration is likely to find engaging North Korea more complex this time, thanks to drastically reduced leverage.

Why Pressuring Thailand on North Korea Misses the Mark
By Tita Sanglee
Despite a consistent, albeit minuscule, economic relationship, Bangkok has little meaningful leverage over Pyongyang.

North Korea’s Human Rights Abuses and Weapons of Mass Destruction Are Inextricably Linked
By Jack Rendler
The U.N. Security Council should simultaneously address the nuclear program and the human rights abuses that are inseparable aspects of the Kim Jong Un regime.

North Korea Orders Establishment of ‘Emergency Trade System’ to Acquire Food
By Jeong Tae Joo
The trade ministry’s order is aimed at circumventing international sanctions and securing safe channels for foreign trade, a source told Daily NK.

What the North Korea-Russia Summit Means for the Korean Peninsula
By Kyung-joo Jeon
Kim Jong Un's trip to Russia was generally analyzed for its impact on the Ukraine War, but it will also have lasting implications for Korean Peninsula security dynamics.

US, South Korea, Japan Seek to Curb North Korea’s Illicit Cyber Activities
By Niniek Karmini and Hyung-jin Kim
After a trilateral meeting, the governments vowed to "double down" on efforts to block Pyongyang's attempts to evade sanctions, including through cybercrime.

North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong Slams Sanctions Measures
By Mitch Shin
After Kim’s statement belittling Yoon in August, this was her second discourteous statement toward the South Korean president.

Whatever Path US Diplomacy Takes, Sanctions on North Korea Are Here to Stay
By Aaron Arnold
Washington might be looking for a course correction on engagement with North Korea, but don’t expect any change to sanctions policy.

A Long Road to Nowhere: 10 Years of the Kim Jong Un Regime
By Hae Kyung Ahn
In April, Kim Jong Un will mark the 10th anniversary of his complete succession to power. He doesn't have much to celebrate.

How to Deliver Relief to North Koreans Without Lifting Sanctions
By Aaron Arnold
To address the grim humanitarian situation in North Korea, countries should get smart about implementing sanctions, not lift them.

North Korea’s Food Shortage Is a Lesson for US Policymakers
By Zhuoran Li
If North Korea’s extreme self-inflicted COVID isolation isn’t enough to break the Kim regime, external sanctions have no chance.

North Korea Cuts off Inter-Korean Communication Lines: What Now?
By Ankit Panda
Does Tuesday’s step mark the final end of the rapprochement that began between the two Koreas in 2018?
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