
Pakistan counter-terrorism

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Capacity Tested as Militants Hijack Train

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Capacity Tested as Militants Hijack Train

By Umair Jamal
The hijack shows the capacity of groups like the BLA to not only carry out complex attacks but also engage in disinformation against the state.
‘Digital Terrorism’: A Label to Stifle Pakistan’s Political Opposition?

‘Digital Terrorism’: A Label to Stifle Pakistan’s Political Opposition?

By Abdul Basit
Labeling political actors like the PTI as "digital terrorists" will weaken Pakistan’s democracy and undermine the state’s efforts to fight lethal terrorists like the TTP.

Pakistan’s Azm-e-Istehkam Operation: Old Wine in a New Bottle?

Pakistan’s Azm-e-Istehkam Operation: Old Wine in a New Bottle?

By Abdul Basit
The counterterrorism campaign is loud on rhetoric, low on substance and offers nothing substantive to stem the rising tide of militancy in Pakistan.

Counterterrorism in Af-Pak: Can the US ‘Do More’? 

Counterterrorism in Af-Pak: Can the US ‘Do More’? 

By Bantirani Patro
Recent signs suggest Washington is re-engaging with Pakistan's fight against terrorism. How far will the support go?

Pakistan Launches New Counterterrorism Operation

Pakistan Launches New Counterterrorism Operation

By Umair Jamal
Azm-e-Istehkam seems aimed at convincing Pakistan’s international partners that it is serious about tackling militancy and terrorism at home.
Pakistan’s New Multidimension Strategy Against Militancy

Pakistan’s New Multidimension Strategy Against Militancy

By Umair Jamal
In addition to deploying military force against militants, it will engage local communities and build economic opportunities to create jobs.

The Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

The Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

By Abdul Basit
Without revisiting its myopic Afghan policy, a new counterterrorism campaign alone will not fix Pakistan's mounting challenges with terrorism.
Quetta Police College Attack Highlights Pakistan's Internal Divisions

Quetta Police College Attack Highlights Pakistan's Internal Divisions

By Umair Jamal
The messy politicking in Pakistan appears to be dominating the country’s counterterrorism strategies.

The Missing Half of Pakistan's Fight Against Terrorism

The Missing Half of Pakistan's Fight Against Terrorism

By Emily Winterbotham
Tackling the nexus between organized crime and terrorism in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Operation: Myth vs. Reality

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Operation: Myth vs. Reality

By Abdul Basit
What Pakistan isn't telling the public about operation Zarb-e-Azb.

US Presidential Candidates Must Think Strategically About South Asia

US Presidential Candidates Must Think Strategically About South Asia

By James Carafano and Lisa Curtis
What the next U.S. president needs to consider when shaping a South Asia policy.
Diplomatic Access: Pakistan

Diplomatic Access: Pakistan

By Diplomatic Access
Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S. Jalil Abbas Jilani on regional cooperation and the fight against terrorism.

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