
Rohingya refugee camps

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Rohingya Risk Being Forgotten in Global Vaccination Drive

Rohingya Risk Being Forgotten in Global Vaccination Drive

By Simon Tran Hudes and Kyra Jasper
The world should make extra efforts to ensure that vaccines are distributed to Rohingya refugee populations.
Rights Groups Allege Coercion in Rohingya Island Relocation Plan

Rights Groups Allege Coercion in Rohingya Island Relocation Plan

By Sebastian Strangio
Refugees and rights groups say that threats and inducements have been used to get refugees to move to the previously uninhabited island.

The Rohingyas and the Elephants: How Humans and Nature Collide in Refugee Camps

The Rohingyas and the Elephants: How Humans and Nature Collide in Refugee Camps

By Shah Tazrian Ashrafi
Myanmar’s violent campaign of driving the Rohingya people out of their territory has both human and environmental costs.

Rohingya Refugees in India Fear Dying of Hunger Before Being Killed By Coronavirus 

Rohingya Refugees in India Fear Dying of Hunger Before Being Killed By Coronavirus 

By Tasnim Nazeer
“Our people will die of hunger before they are killed by the coronavirus if we don’t get enough help."

Coronavirus and Rohingya Refugee Camps

Coronavirus and Rohingya Refugee Camps

By Ana Salvá
The first confirmed case in Cox’s Bazar, on March 24, is a serious concern for aid workers.
Myanmar Remains Disingenuous When It Comes to Rohingya Repatriation

Myanmar Remains Disingenuous When It Comes to Rohingya Repatriation

By Farhaan Uddin Ahmed
In a recent speech, Aung San Suu Kyi tried to shift blame to Bangladesh for the delay in repatriation of Rohingya refugees.

A Satellite View of the Rohingya's Plight

A Satellite View of the Rohingya's Plight

By Matthew Wells
Images of one Rohingya village in Myanmar and one Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh before and after the crackdown.
Facing the Future: Voices From the Rohingya Refugee Camps

Facing the Future: Voices From the Rohingya Refugee Camps

By Margarite Clarey
Rohingya refugees are weighing an impossible choice: wait in limbo or risk violence in the hope of a better future. 

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