Russia sanctions
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Russian Sanctions, China, and the Arctic
By Andreas Kuersten
Russia’s souring relations with the West have given China an Arctic opening.
Vladimir Putin’s Productive India Visit
By Saurav Jha
India and Russia have affirmed their ties during a visit by Russia’s president this week.
How Ukraine Is Changing Global Energy Flows
By Thomas Coibion
Increasingly isolated by the crisis, Russia is looking East for new energy markets.
‘Foreseeing Ordeals,’ Kazakhstan Dips Into Oil Fund
By Joshua Kucera
The president has announced the move with some disconcerting predictions.
More Evidence of Economic Slowdown in Central Asia
By Casey Michel
The sanctions on Russia continue to have significant repercussions for its neighbors.
Russia Sanctions Hit Central Asia Hard
By Casey Michel
Russia is not the only economy affected by the post-Crimea sanctions.
A Former Japanese PM ‘Feels Sad’ for Putin
By Clint Richards
Putin’s Tokyo visit isn’t set, yet both sides show a desire to talk despite worsening Ukrainian crisis.
Will Sanctions Stymie Russia’s Resurgence in Central Asia?
By Ryskeldi Satke
Moscow’s projects in the region are coming unglued just as the West steps up sanctions over the Ukraine crisis.
Following Sanctions, Russia Turns to China for Defense and Aerospace Equipment
By Ankit Panda
Given increasing Western sanctions, Moscow turns to Beijing for its defense and aerospace needs.
Why Asia Won’t Sanction Russia for MH17
By Zachary Keck
The U.S. is trying to pressure Asia into imposing sanctions on Russia. This effort is almost certainly futile.
Japan Sanctions Russia Over Ukraine
By Ankit Panda
New Japanese sanctions against Russia lower hopes for a resolution to the Kuril Islands dispute between the two countries.
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