
Will 3D Printing Speedup Production of Russia’s ‘Deadliest Tank’?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s defense industry has used 3D printing to produce prototype parts for the T-14 Armata tank, a manager reveals.

No Accreditation for RT in Tajikistan
By Casey Michel
RT has been trying since 2014 to open a bureau in Tajikistan, but as of yet its reporters can't operate in the country.

Why Is Russia Cutting Troops in Tajikistan?
By Catherine Putz
Last year Russia said it was going to increase its presence in Tajikistan, and now it’s not.

Russia and Climate Change: A Looming Threat
By Quentin Buckholz
Recent rhetoric notwithstanding, there is reason to be skeptical about Moscow's attitude to climate change.

Turkmenistan’s Endless Energy Optimism
By Catherine Putz
Turkmenistan still says it can deliver gas to Europe in the next few years and experts still seem to disagree.

Is 2016 Going to Be Pivotal for Central Asia’s Pipeline Powers?
By Catherine Putz
Considering new regional dynamics and more: recommended reads

Russia Ready to Help Turkmenistan Protect its Afghan Border
By Catherine Putz
Of course, Ashgabat says it doesn’t need the help but the offer stands.

US Admiral Warns of China’s and Russia’s Growing Space Weapons Arsenal
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a speech, the head of U.S. Strategic Command also warned of China’s long-range precision strike weapons program.

US Navy: China and Russia ‘Focused on Taking the Lead’
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a new document, the Chief of Naval Operations outlines challenges the U.S. Navy will be facing in the 21st century.

India and Russia Fail to Resolve Dispute Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is the Indo-Russian fifth generation fighter jet program on the verge of collapse?

Russia’s Gazprom Stops Buying Gas from Turkmenistan
By Catherine Putz
The announcement illustrates how corroded gas relations between Ashgabat and Moscow have gotten.

Will Thailand Buy Russian T-90 Tanks?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Delays in the delivery of Ukrainian-made Oplot tanks made the Thai military look for alternatives.