
The Upcoming Inter-Korean Summit Raises the Stakes for Moon Jae-in
By Ankit Panda
The talks will have deep implications for the trajectory of this year’s remarkable turn towards diplomatic engagement with North Korea.

US Announces New Sanctions on Entities Facilitating North Korean Activities
By Ankit Panda
The new sanctions come as US-North Korea diplomacy pushes ahead.

Trump Administration Announces 'Largest North Korea-Related Sanctions Tranche', Focused on Disrupting Illicit Shipping
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. "maximum pressure" campaign continues with additional sanctions measures.

Japan and Norway: Elevated Economic, Geopolitical and Gender Equality Cooperation on the Horizon
By Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Petter Y. Lindgren
Bilateral ties between Tokyo and Oslo are set to converge, with multiple areas for cooperation.

The Missing Piece in the World’s North Korea Strategy
By Neil Bhatiya
Pyongyang abuses the international financial system to fund its proliferation activities -- stopping this ought to be a priority.

3 Takeaways From Kim Jong-un's 2018 New Year's Address
By Ankit Panda
What's on Kim Jong-un's mind? Nuclear buttons, an Olympics overture, and a call to arms for self-reliance as sanctions bear down.

Why North Korea Sanctions are Failing in Africa
By Merve Demirel
The region's experience offers a cautionary tale about the limits of the tool.

Matching Means and Ends in North Korea
By Theresa Lou
Sanctions won't work and haven't worked against North Korea. What will?

UN Security Council Adopts New Sanctions After North Korea's Sixth Nuclear Test
By Ankit Panda
The new sanctions encompass a cap on fuel exports to the rogue state.

Top US, Japan Defense and Diplomatic Officials Meet to Discuss Alliance, Regional Issues
By Ankit Panda
Top U.S. and Japanese officials discuss North Korea, the East China Sea, and much more.

Better Sanctions, Better Expectations, and a Better North Korea Policy
By Robert Farley
Are secondary sanctions the key to a better U.S. North Korea policy?

More US Sanctions on the Menu for Chinese Financial Institutions Helping North Korea?
By Ankit Panda
Was the Bank of Dandong the first of many targets for the Trump administration?