Scott Morrison

With Secret Self-Appointments, Morrison Torched Australia’s Democracy
By Patricia O’Brien
The wider reckoning about Morrison’s misdeeds, and how he came to rise to the heights of power in the first place, is going to be deeply uncomfortable.

Australian Voters Demand Change, Oust Morrison’s Coalition Government
By Patricia O’Brien
Out of the wreckage of Morrison’s Liberal rule comes a new political era for Australia.

What Labor’s Victory Means for Australia’s Engagement With Southeast Asia
By Sebastian Strangio
The Albanese government is in a good position to craft a more productive, less alienating approach toward a crucial region.

Australia’s Election Complicates Attendance at Quad Summit
By Rod McGuirk
Australia’s general election is on May 21, just three days before the summit in Tokyo. It’s unclear who would represent Canberra if the polls usher in a change of government.

Australia’s Elections: The China Narrative
By Natasha Kassam and Jennifer Hsu
How best to manage ties with China ought to be a central election issue, but the campaign narratives are focused on posturing rather than policy.

This Is Australia’s Climate Change Election
By Patricia O’Brien
It is not just the Pacific region angered by Prime Minister Morrison’s unchanged coal-loving stance. Next month, he will have to answer to the Australian electorate on this critical issue.

Australian Prime Minister Calls Election for May 21
By Rod McGuirk
Morrison's Liberal Party-led coalition is behind in most opinion polls, but many analysts predict a tight result.

Australia’s Main Parties Are More Alike Than Different on China Policy
By Elena Collinson
The Coalition government is highlighting China as a major campaign issue, but in reality the China policies of the Liberal and Labor parties are nearly identical.

Australia-China Relations Again in Focus Ahead of Australian Election
By Joshua Mcdonald
Using national security to win over voters is not an uncommon strategy, but Scott Morrison is banging the national security drum more furiously than ever as he slumps in the polls.

Scott Morrison Called ‘Hypocrite and Liar’ in Leaked Texts By Political Allies
By Joshua Mcdonald
The prime minister was called a “complete psycho” and other unflattering things by allies and adversaries alike as intra-party divisions continue to roil Australian politics.

Australia’s Growing Ties With Northeast Asia
By Grant Wyeth
It is at the intersection of commercial and hard-security interests that Australia’s relationships with Japan and South Korea are finding their increasing health.

Australia Disappoints at COP26
By Joshua Mcdonald
Australian leaders appear thankful that the global commitments at COP26 weren’t more ambitious.
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