South China Sea FONOPs
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In the Era of Great Power Competition, the US Needs to Step Up Its Game
By Ben Cipperley
A blueprint for pushing back against China's militarization of the South China Sea.

Now is Not the Time to Back Down in the South China Sea
By Tuan N. Pham
Realpolitik cannot triumph over Moralpolitik.

Are US FONOPs in the South China Sea Necessary?
By Mark J. Valencia
Written communiques and diplomacy are enough for most countries to object to overly extensive maritime claims.

Chinese Double Standards in the Maritime Domain
By Tuan N. Pham
Beijing clearly understands its maritime rights, but does not necessarily tolerate and accept the same rights for others.

South China Sea: US Navy Conducts Freedom of Navigation Operation
By Franz-Stefan Gady
It was the third freedom of navigation operation conducted during the presidency of Donald Trump.

A More Muscular Britain in the South China Sea?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The hype surrounding the UK’s future role on the issue needs to be put into proper perspective.

The ASEAN Summits and the South China Sea
By Mark J. Valencia
The U.S.-China tussle over the South China Sea issue will be on display in Manila this week.

Beware the Illusion of South China Sea Calm
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The cooling down some are playing up masks underlying tensions and broader strategic realities.

US FONOPs in the South China Sea: Intent, Effectiveness, and Necessity
By Mark J. Valencia
Do U.S. FONOPs actually serve a purpose?

The US Navy's First Trump-Era South China Sea FONOP Just Happened: First Takeaways and Analysis
By Ankit Panda
A U.S. warship finally passes within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef.

US Freedom of Navigation Challenges in South China Sea on Hold
By Steven Stashwick
Apparent deference to other issues echoes Obama principles in region.

China's 'Red Line' Warning to Japan on South China Sea FONOPs Is Here to Stay
By Ankit Panda
Beijing does not dispute reports that its envoy to Tokyo drew a "red line" for Japan in the South China Sea.
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