Southeast Asia media

Press Watchdog Paints Grim Picture of Southeast Asian Media Freedoms
By Sebastian Strangio
Of the region's 11 nations, just two ranked in the top half of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index.

Rating the Media: A Conversation With David Armstrong
By Luke Hunt
The veteran editor speaks about the media's changing role and declining influence in both Australia and Southeast Asia.

Editing Cambodian News: A Conversation With Alan Parkhouse
By Luke Hunt
The veteran editor on winning awards, breaking news, and managing journalists.

AsiaLIFE and Publishing Hip Magazines in Vietnam
By Luke Hunt
Jonny Edbrooke speaks about his various media ventures and the importance of being nice in Southeast Asia.

The State of Press Freedom in Southeast Asia
By Sebastian Strangio
Most nations in the region have risen in the latest RSF World Press Freedom Index, but conditions on the ground range from restrictive to openly repressive.

Southeast Asian Nations Languish in Annual Press Freedom Ranking
By Sebastian Strangio
The one outlier was Timor-Leste, which ranked 17th out of the 180 nations examined by Reporters Without Borders.

A Foreign Correspondent in Academia
By Luke Hunt
A conversation about jailed colleagues in Myanmar, the COVID-19 pandemic, and teaching journalism.

6 Out of 10 ASEAN Leaders Listed in RSF’s Gallery of ‘Press Predators’
By Luke Hunt
In Myanmar, “terror is back” – and the same can be said for much of Asia.

How to Control the Masses by Silencing the Press
By Emilie Lehmann-Jacobsen
Press freedom is at a low in Southeast Asia – and the region’s governments all seem to be following the same playbook.

In Southeast Asia, Press Freedom Takes a Turn for the Orwellian
By David Hutt
Increasingly, journalists are being prosecuted not for publishing falsehoods – but for the potential consequences of their reporting.

Confronting Southeast Asia’s Troubled Media Landscape
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent incident spotlights the wider troubles in Southeast Asia’s media landscape over the past few years and the challenges in addressing them.

Remembering One of Southeast Asia’s Legendary Foreign Correspondents
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Lindsay Murdoch.
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