Tajikistan-Russia relations
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Russia Reinforces Tajikistan Base with 100 New Armored Vehicles
By Franz-Stefan Gady
100 new tanks and armored personnel carriers purportedly arrived at Russia’s largest military base abroad.

No Accreditation for RT in Tajikistan
By Casey Michel
RT has been trying since 2014 to open a bureau in Tajikistan, but as of yet its reporters can't operate in the country.

Why Is Russia Cutting Troops in Tajikistan?
By Catherine Putz
Last year Russia said it was going to increase its presence in Tajikistan, and now it’s not.

Fear of Terrorists Ripples from Paris to Moscow
By Catherine Putz
A deputy speaker in the State Duma floated the idea of restricting entry to Russia for citizens of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Russia's Putin Finds Time for Central Asia Amid Birthday Celebrations
By Catherine Putz
Between airstrikes on Syria and ice hockey, Russian President Vladimir Putin made time for his Central Asian allies.

CSTO Gathers in Tajikistan, Talks ISIS
By Catherine Putz
Could Russian troops return to the Tajik-Afghan border? Only if asked.

Tajikistan Asks Russia to Extradite Opposition Members
By Catherine Putz
Seven men, allegedly members of Group 24, are likely to be sent back to Tajikistan to face trial.
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