
Trade policy

Assessing Abe Shinzo’s Geopolitical Legacy

Assessing Abe Shinzo’s Geopolitical Legacy

By Ankit Panda
A biographer of Japan’s outgoing prime minister discusses Abe’s lasting legacy on foreign affairs and trade.

The US GSP Decision: Risks to US-India Relations and Upsides for China

The US GSP Decision: Risks to US-India Relations and Upsides for China

By Aman Thakker
Trade tensions between the United States and India have risen to a new level.
The Trump-Xi G20 Trade Truce Doesn't Get to the Deep Divisions Between Both Sides

The Trump-Xi G20 Trade Truce Doesn't Get to the Deep Divisions Between Both Sides

By Ankit Panda
Markets will breathe easy temporarily, but the trade war isn't over.

Why Do the US and China Take the Approaches to IP Protection That They Do?

Why Do the US and China Take the Approaches to IP Protection That They Do?

By Robert Farley
What explains the divergent approaches between the two powers?

Trump's Coming Trade War With China

Trump's Coming Trade War With China

By Atman Trivedi
The administration could be courting disaster if it relies too heavily on a punitive approach against Beijing.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Trump's Trip to China: Poor Optics and Missed Opportunities

Trump's Trip to China: Poor Optics and Missed Opportunities

By Ankit Panda
Trump's visit merely papered over the cracks of the huge issues dividing the two superpowers.

Intellectual Property and the Coming US-China Trade War

Intellectual Property and the Coming US-China Trade War

By Robert Farley
How significant is the new Section 301 investigation into China’s intellectual property practices?
Are Geopolitical Realities Hindering Trump's Scrutiny of Chinese Trade Practices?

Are Geopolitical Realities Hindering Trump's Scrutiny of Chinese Trade Practices?

By Robert Farley
When will the Trump administration make a move on China's trade practices?

Trump’s Bilateralism and US Power in East Asia

Trump’s Bilateralism and US Power in East Asia

By Doug Stokes and Kit Waterman
How best to make sense of the Trump administration's preference for bilateralism in Asia?

Trump's New Trade Executive Order Portends Difficult Times Ahead for US Relationships in Asia

Trump's New Trade Executive Order Portends Difficult Times Ahead for US Relationships in Asia

By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration's campaign against trade deficits will potentially lead to strained relationships.

Trump Killed TPP. What's Next For Trade in Asia?

Trump Killed TPP. What's Next For Trade in Asia?

By Ankit Panda
Free trade in Asia is far from dead. The question now is whether the U.S. will reap any of the benefits.
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