Turkmenistan economy

Turkmenistan Turns Off the Lights in Northern Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
Nothing says friendship like turning off the power on New Year’s Eve.

In Turkmenistan, the Buck Stops Where Berdy Says It Does
By Catherine Putz
Regional leaders dismissed in Lebap Province were accused of corruption. Meanwhile, the Turkmen shuffle continues.

Bread and Circuses in Ashgabat
By Rebeka Foley
Can a multi-billion dollar sporting event prove Turkmenistan’s modernity despite the country’s reputation for corruption?

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press
By Bradley Jardine
Global coverage of Turkmenistan shows the power of personality cults to set agendas far beyond national boundaries.

Turkmenistan: Playing Games as the Economy Sinks
By Catherine Putz
In the latest sign of an economic crash, Turkmenistan threatens to cut a decades-old benefits system.

Are Trade Fairs in Turkmenistan Pointless?
By Henry James
Such fairs do provide insight into the psychology of dictatorship.

Ranking the Central Asian States as Investment Destinations
By Stanislav Pritchin
25 years after independence, which Central Asian and South Caucasian countries are the best (and worst) places to invest?

The Central Asia-China Gas Pipeline Network: Line D(ead)
By Casey Michel
The line's collapse represents yet another unsuccessful attempt at regional integration.

A Closer Look at Turkmenistan’s Election Numbers
By Casey Michel
The only numbers soaring in Turkmenistan are at the polls; meanwhile the economy deteriorates.

Turkmenistan: The Fool’s Golden Age
By Catherine Putz
An IMF mission to the country says it "would be helpful" if the state explained its policies to citizens.

2 Stories That Explain Turkmenistan's Absurdity
By Catherine Putz
The phrase “fiddling while Rome burns” may be an appropriate aphorism for Ashgabat.