
Turkmenistan gas exports

Turkmenistan Settles Gas Swap Deal With Turkiye, Iran

Turkmenistan Settles Gas Swap Deal With Turkiye, Iran

By Catherine Putz
According to Turkish officials, the gas flow is planned to start on March 1, with Turkmen gas reaching Turkiye via a swap deal involving Iran. 
Talk of Gas Unions Riles Up Turkmenistan

Talk of Gas Unions Riles Up Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
What compelled a Turkmen foreign ministry official to push back on admittedly vague comments from a Russian foreign ministry official?

Taliban Visit Turkmenistan, Promise (Again) to Protect TAPI

Taliban Visit Turkmenistan, Promise (Again) to Protect TAPI

By Catherine Putz
TAPI has long been hailed as a monumentally important project – but it's unclear whether it will ever be built.

Will Turkmenistan Ever Supply Gas to Europe?

Will Turkmenistan Ever Supply Gas to Europe?

By T.J. Sjostrom
In theory, Turkmenistan could be a complementary trade partner for Europe’s energy security needs. But what about in practice?

Turkmenistan and Gazprom Settle 5-Year Gas Deal

Turkmenistan and Gazprom Settle 5-Year Gas Deal

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat is likely happy to have Russia back as a customer, no matter the price.
Russia is Buying Turkmen Gas Again. Why?

Russia is Buying Turkmen Gas Again. Why?

By Catherine Putz
Turkmenistan needs a sale, and Russia probably got a good price.

Central Asia Gassing Up China

Central Asia Gassing Up China

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan looks to increase its natural gas exports to China, and Turkmenistan may be gaining an old customer back.
Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor

Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor

By Fabio Indeo
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan’s aims to diversify their energy export markets got a boost recently.

Why Pakistan Is TAPI's Biggest Hurdle

Why Pakistan Is TAPI's Biggest Hurdle

By Shoaib A. Rahim
The pipeline would bring substantial benefits to all 4 member countries. For Pakistan, that's exactly the problem.

What is Iran’s Interest in Maintaining Relations With Turkmenistan?

What is Iran’s Interest in Maintaining Relations With Turkmenistan?

By Catherine Putz
Despite an ongoing gas dispute, Iran seems intent on maintaining relations with Turkmenistan.

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