
US-Japan-India trilateral

US-Japan-Australia Trilateral Gets Boost with First Submarine Drills

US-Japan-Australia Trilateral Gets Boost with First Submarine Drills

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Development is significant not only in and of itself, but within the context of wider trilateral cooperation.

The Malabar Exercise: An Emerging Platform for Indo-Pacific Cooperation?

The Malabar Exercise: An Emerging Platform for Indo-Pacific Cooperation?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
In 20 years, Malabar has gone from a US-India drill to a platform for wider regional collaboration. But will this last?
 US, Japan, and India Kick off 2016 Malabar Exercise

US, Japan, and India Kick off 2016 Malabar Exercise

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Countries begin naval drills that will last until June 17.

Expanding US-Japan-India Cooperation in the Indian Ocean

Expanding US-Japan-India Cooperation in the Indian Ocean

By Jessie Daniels
The Indian Ocean is featuring more prominently in discussions among the three Asian giants.

Philippines Denies Role in Trilateral Naval Drills Near South China Sea

Philippines Denies Role in Trilateral Naval Drills Near South China Sea

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Manila clarifies its stance amid news of upcoming US-Japan-India trilateral exercises.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India May Have Quad Military Exercise with US, Japan, Australia: Ex-Top Diplomat

India May Have Quad Military Exercise with US, Japan, Australia: Ex-Top Diplomat

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A former Indian foreign secretary is upbeat on the revival of the so-called ‘quad.’

Confirmed: Japan Will Permanently Join US-India Naval Exercises

Confirmed: Japan Will Permanently Join US-India Naval Exercises

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo’s participation will be hard to swallow for Beijing.
Why the ‘New’ US Trilateral Dialogue With Japan and India Matters

Why the ‘New’ US Trilateral Dialogue With Japan and India Matters

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The week witnessed the birth of the much-anticipated trilateral ministerial. What does it mean?

US Will Hold Elevated Trilateral Dialogue with India and Japan

US Will Hold Elevated Trilateral Dialogue with India and Japan

By Prashanth Parameswaran
US vice-president announces ministerial level trilateral in a further boost for cooperation.

Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises this Year

Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises this Year

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Australia, however, will reportedly be left out.

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