The Diplomat | Author
Charlotte Gao
Charlotte Gao holds a MA degree in Asian Studies. Her research interests center around East Asian topics. She has worked in the past as a news editor, reporter, and writer for multiple traditional, online, and new media outlets.
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December 14, 2017
Tillerson’s North Korea Talk Sparks Contradictory Responses at Home and Abroad
By Charlotte Gao
While both China and Russia welcome Tillerson’s offer of talks with North Korea, the White House corrects his remarks.
December 14, 2017
Beijing Leader Sends Condolences to Migrant Workers After Evicting Them
By Charlotte Gao
Thousands of migrant workers have been evicted from their rental homes under Beijing’s demolition campaign.
December 14, 2017
China’s Top Procuratorate Opens Criminal Case Against Sun Zhengcai
By Charlotte Gao
Former Chongqing Party leader Sun Zhengcai has been under CCP investigation for five months.
December 13, 2017
Did Trump Just Kick off the Space Race 2.0 With China?
By Charlotte Gao
While China pursues its space plan, Donald Trump signs a directive to send U.S. astronauts back to the Moon.
December 12, 2017
China Promotes Human Rights 'With Chinese Characteristics'
By Charlotte Gao
Ahead of Human Rights Day, China hosted a human rights forum for developing countries.
December 11, 2017
China: 2017 Was 'Crossroads of History'
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese Foreign Minister says the world is at a crucial stage of shifting balance of power.
December 08, 2017
Did Canada's Trudeau Really Fail in His Trip to China?
By Charlotte Gao
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been mocked for failing to move forward a free trade deal with China.
December 08, 2017
Why China 'Respects' Putin’s Bid for the Russian Presidency
By Charlotte Gao
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he will run again for president in 2018 after a third presidential term.
December 08, 2017
IMF Warns China of 3 Financial Stability Risks
By Charlotte Gao
China’s central bank accepts IMF’s “overall” valuable recommendations and vows to improve the weaknesses.
December 07, 2017
What’s China’s Stance on Trump’s Jerusalem Decision?
By Charlotte Gao
China reaffirms its support for East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.
December 07, 2017
Chinese Newspaper Publishes Nuclear Attack Survival Guide
By Charlotte Gao
The official paper of Jilin, near the North Korean border, publishes a full-page article about precautions to take.
December 06, 2017
How Did China’s War Against Smog Turn into a Ban on Coal-Heating?
By Charlotte Gao
Thousands of families, schools, and factories in northern China are left in the cold without any heating system.