The Diplomat | Author

Tyler Roney
Tyler Roney is a Bangkok-based writer and editor who has reported from Asia for more than a decade
Tyler Roney is a Bangkok-based writer and editor who has reported from Asia for more than a decade, working with The Diplomat, Foreign Policy, Nikkei Asian Review, Asia Sentinel, The World of Chinese, China Radio International, and more. He writes about environmental issues, human rights, and current affairs in China and Southeast Asia.
He can be followed on Twitter at @TylerRoney.

November 27, 2020
Thailand Protesters Gather as Government Weaponizes Lese Majeste
By Tyler Roney
Protest groups change venue to keep the peace as authorities resurrect the notorious Article 112.

September 06, 2019
Elephant Roadkill: Thailand Grapples With Pachyderms on the Pavement
By Tyler Roney
Long-term solutions may require more severe measures than road signs, namely, wildlife corridors.

August 09, 2019
US-China Spat Tips Kenya’s Index to a Decade Low
By Tyler Roney
The U.S.-China trade spat puts more pressure on the China-Kenya economic relationship, already beset by BRI concerns.

October 30, 2017
The Difficult Discussion on Cambodia’s Forests
By Tyler Roney
Cambodia did not take kindly to satellite images from NASA showing the extent of deforestation.

September 13, 2017
One Last Lens on North Korea
By Tyler Roney
One of the last American tourists to visit North Korea hopes to showcase the country's complex nature.

September 11, 2017
Crazy Medicine: Interview with Producer and Noir Novelist James Newman
By Tyler Roney
A new short film gains acclaim, peeling back the veil on Bangkok's darker side.

August 18, 2017
Saving China’s Snow Leopards with Locals
By Tyler Roney
By enlisting the help of the local community, conservationists hope to help the bashful big cats survive.

June 01, 2017
Cabbages & Condoms: A Socio-Sexual History and Restaurant Review
By Tyler Roney
Beneath the strange restaurant gimmick are Thailand's family planning and population policies.

May 29, 2017
Is Hong Kong Taking a Backward Step on LGBT Rights?
By Tyler Roney
With a petition to appeal a landmark rights case, Hong Kong may be taking a small step backward.

April 28, 2017
The Perilous Homecoming of Flappy McFlapperson
By Tyler Roney
The cuckoos that captured hearts are on their way back to Beijing.

April 23, 2017
The Sleuth on the Sukhumvit: 25 Years of Noir Fiction With Christopher G. Moore
By Tyler Roney
Noir fiction set in Southeast Asia is particularly popular.

March 02, 2017
Badiucao: Challenging China With Political Cartoons
By Tyler Roney
How one artist pushes back.
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