‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Myanmar Air Force Launches More Air Strikes in Kayah State
By Sebastian Strangio
The air assaults, which displaced thousands of civilians, reflect the unusually robust nature of the resistance in the eastern state.

How Southeast Asia Is Responding to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
By Sebastian Strangio
Most governments have so far been reluctant to call out Russia's aggression against another sovereign nation.

Cambodia and Malaysia Try to Resolve Their Differences
By Luke Hunt
“Frank and candid” talks held as Olympic-sized global issues take hold.

Why Southeast Asians Should Care About the Ukraine Crisis
By David Hutt
The region professes a concern for the norm of national sovereignty. Will it speak up in the case of Ukraine?

Lawyers Urge ICJ to Continue with Rohingya Genocide Case
By Sebastian Strangio
One lawyer for The Gambia urged the court to “reject Myanmar’s meritless preliminary objections" and proceed to the case.

The Challenges of Repatriating Malaysian IS Fighters from Syria
By Rueben Dass and Jasminder Singh
At least 122 Malaysians traveled to Syria and Iraq to take up arms for the Islamic State.

Thailand Further Eases International Entry Restrictions, Despite Omicron Outbreaks
By Sebastian Strangio
Despite surging daily caseloads, the government is hoping to smooth the way for a return of international visitors.

Why Have Southeast Asian Governments Stayed Silent Over Ukraine?
By Sebastian Strangio
The region should be concerned about the baneful precedent set by the Russian invasion of the Donbas.

Philippine Senator and Leading Duterte Critic Marks Five Years in Jail
By Sebastian Strangio
According to a leading human rights group, Senator Leila de Lima's detention "exemplifies the lawlessness and cruelty of the Duterte administration.”

EU Announces Fourth Round of Sanctions on Post-Coup Myanmar
By Sebastian Strangio
The list of targeted entities includes the state-owned Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, a major source of revenue for the military junta.

The Growing China-Indonesia-UAE Trilateral Relations
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the three nations have established a triad of deepening and mutually beneficial relationships.

Myanmar Genocide Hearings Open, Overshadowed by Question of Recognition
By Sebastian Strangio
The International Court of Justice has drawn criticism for allowing representatives of the military junta to represent Myanmar at hearings this week.