
The Pulse

South Asia is a story of promise and peril where Asia’s conflicting forces of modernity and reaction meet head on. Home to a multitude of different cultures, ethnicities, and religions, The Diplomat's regional correspondents and experts will provide the insight you need to navigate one of the world's most consequential regions.

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Nepal’s Military Diplomacy

Nepal’s Military Diplomacy

By Kripendra Amatya
For a small state, Nepal is unusually active in military diplomacy – including with its powerful neighbors.
Maldives Voters Grant Decisive Victory to Opposition Candidate in Blow to Pro-China Leader

Maldives Voters Grant Decisive Victory to Opposition Candidate in Blow to Pro-China Leader

By Ankit Panda
The result is a triumph for democracy in the Maldives, with a historic turnout of more than 85 percent.

Imran Khan's Citizenship Offer to Afghan Refugees: A Promise or a Topic for Debate?

Imran Khan's Citizenship Offer to Afghan Refugees: A Promise or a Topic for Debate?

By Soraya Parwani
Offering Pakistan-born Afghan refugees citizenship is in Pakistan’s best interest.

Bhutan’s Elections Demonstrate Continued Democratic Progress

Bhutan’s Elections Demonstrate Continued Democratic Progress

By Karma Dema
Increased voter turnout for Bhutan’s parliamentary elections points to healthier democracy.

The Organic Food Revolution: A Nightmare for India?

The Organic Food Revolution: A Nightmare for India?

By Parul Abrol
Is India's organic food revolution myth or reality?
So, What Happens to Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Now?

So, What Happens to Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Now?

By Umair Jamal
What does the future hold for Nawaz Sharif?

India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World

India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
What are the key factors limiting and driving Indian foreign policy?
Is This the Revival of Russia-India Economic Ties?

Is This the Revival of Russia-India Economic Ties?

By Aleksei Zakharov
Russia and India have shared interests that may lead them back to deeper cooperation.

The Sino-Russian Entente and India’s Choices

The Sino-Russian Entente and India’s Choices

By Harsh V. Pant
India should take growing Sino-Russian ties very seriously.

The Time is Right to Revive SAARC

The Time is Right to Revive SAARC

By Sabena Siddiqi
BIMSTEC can't carry the weight of regional cooperation, but SAARC can.

Pakistan's New Government Fails Its First Major Test on Extremism

Pakistan's New Government Fails Its First Major Test on Extremism

By Umair Jamal
The Pakistani government's handling of Atif Mian's removal from the Economic Advisory Council is a travesty.
US-Taliban Talks Under the Shadow of Deadly Violence

US-Taliban Talks Under the Shadow of Deadly Violence

By Monish Tourangbam and Swati Sinha
More talking, more violence -- where is the war in Afghanistan going?

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