
East Asia

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China's Trafficked Brides

China's Trafficked Brides

By Eugene K. Chow
Thanks to the one child policy, Chinese men are turning to Ukrainian brides and sex trafficking to find wives.
Hong Kong's Voice of Discontent

Hong Kong's Voice of Discontent

By Luke Hunt
Economic realities shake China's 20-year hold on an old colony.

The North Korean Endgame

The North Korean Endgame

By Liubomir K. Topaloff
There is only one feasible choice for solving the issue: treat Pyongyang as a rational actor.

Why Is Russia Aiming Missiles at China?

Why Is Russia Aiming Missiles at China?

By Guy Plopsky
The placement of Iskander-M Brigades in Russia’s Eastern Military District reflects continued uneasiness about China.

On the Mongolian Campaign Trail

On the Mongolian Campaign Trail

By Peter Bittner
An on-the-ground look at campaigning and voting in Mongolia's tight presidential race.
South Korea’s Brain Drain

South Korea’s Brain Drain

By Ben Forney
Why so many young South Koreans think of their country as "hell."

Postcard From Seongju’s Anti-THAAD Protest

Postcard From Seongju’s Anti-THAAD Protest

By Jon Letman
A year after being chosen to host THAAD, protests in Seongju show little sign of ending.
China's Vision for Hong Kong

China's Vision for Hong Kong

By Zheng Zhu
One Basic Law, two interpretations: the political framework behind Hong Kong's recent controversies.

Sudan: China's Original Foothold in Africa

Sudan: China's Original Foothold in Africa

By Joseph Hammond
Thanks in part to U.S. neglect, China's footprint in Sudan has grown exponentially over the past 20 years.

Privatizing China’s Defense Industry

Privatizing China’s Defense Industry

By Zi Yang
China hopes to create its own military-industrial complex, but it won't be easy.

The Race for Mongolia's Presidency Begins

The Race for Mongolia's Presidency Begins

By Julian Dierkes
A horse-breeder, a judoka and a feng shui practitioner walk into a Mongolian polling station...
Problematic Privilege in Xinjiang

Problematic Privilege in Xinjiang

By Adrian Zenz
Xinjiang's removal of the added points policy for university entrance is not all bad news for its ethnic minorities.

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